This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



@abulsme tweets from 2013-08-10 (UTC)

  • My fitbit #Fitstats for 8/09/2013: 5,478 steps and 4 km traveled. 01:01:24
  • After the second time a rodent got in Brandy’s car and ate part of the electrical system they totaled the car. Officially car shopping now. 02:14:49
  • Brandy just test drove a Leaf. I think she liked it. :-) 02:42:59
  • RT @ramdac: Obama just said Snowden should have reported internally. Q: How'd that work out for @Thomas_Drake1 and @JesselynRadack? A: not … 05:11:51
  • Emptied out Brandy’s old car about an hour ago. Now trying to catch the tail end of this year’s company picnic. If we can find parking. :-) 21:48:48
  • Not a fan if the new venue at all. Oh well. 22:22:38