This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



September 2012

First Day of Preschool

After a summer without school, not quite sure about going to a brand new school. PRESCHOOL this time!

But once there was breakfast, all was good. :-)

@abulsme Updates from 2012-09-09 (UTC)

  • Reading – Mow Yard. Drop Off Kids. Take a Drive on Mars. (Brooks Barnes) #
  • Reading – Amazon Decides To Let Users Opt-Out of Ads on the New Kindle Fires After All (Eric Limer) #
  • Reading – Could foreign policy actually affect the 2012 presidential election? (Daniel W. Drezner) #
  • Reading – Curiosity snaps a self-portrait from the surface of Mars (Chris Welch) #
  • Reading – Twitter’s Mac client is probably over (Marco Arment) #
  • Reading – Obama is Apparently a Tougher Negotiator Than You Think (Kevin Drum) #
  • Reading – Is It a Bounce? (Josh Marshall) #
  • RT @ppppolls: We started 5 state polls- some public, some private- and a national poll last night. What they’re looking like: 2008 #
  • RT @LarrySabato: Now Gallup, Ipsos/Reuters, Rasmussen have shown small Obama convo bounce. It’s “real”–except bounces usually fade. #
  • RT @LarrySabato: Romney got no bounce–just like Kerry in ’04. Dems have been hoping ’12 is like ’04 in reverse (Obama=Bush). #
  • RT @fivethirtyeight: It looks to me like O has been running ~7-9 points ahead of R since the Clinton speech to have gained ground so quickly #
  • RT @BenjySarlin: So Romney now running against Ryan’s own Medicare cuts, own debt ceiling deal — why did he pick him again? #
  • MT @mattyglesias: All our probs solved RT @brianbeutler: Compromise emblazon “In God We Trust, I Swear!” on a trillion dollar platinum coin. #
  • RT @BenjySarlin: Seeing a lot of similar sentiment, but can’t shake feeling this month is going to be extraordinarily ugly for the campaign #
  • RT @BenjySarlin: Not hard to see Paul Ryan in 3 years running on how Romney wouldn’t let GOP truly campaign on his ideas #
  • MT @7im: Romney could have chosen a gov & run against dc dysfunction instead he tapped paul ryan and is now running against his running mate #
  • RT @fivethirtyeight: 90% of the time, people overinterpret the movement in polls but I think the opposite is happening now. #
  • RT @fivethirtyeight: Sometimes the election is won or lost at the conventions and this looks like it could be one of those years. #
  • Reading – Sept. 8: Conventions May Put Obama in Front-Runner’s Position (Nate Silver) #
  • Reading – State of the race: Advantage, Obama (Jim VanDehei & Mike Allen) #
  • RT @wyethwire: 4 years ago this week, Lehman Brothers collapsed, kicking off the Great Recession #uppers #
  • RT @BenjySarlin: This Romney Meet the Press interview is all over the place. Sound like campaign is still rebooting. #
  • MT @samsteinhp: “if the Rep Party cannot win in this environment it has to get out of politics and find another line of work” — George Will #
  • RT @ppppolls: Plan is to have Ohio results between 9 and 10 tonight- looks like Obama leads there by more than 2008 margin of victory #
  • Reading – An 8-Point Convention Bounce for Obama? (Robert Wright) #
  • Reading – The Algorithmic Copyright Cops: Streaming Video’s Robotic Overlords (Geeta Dayal) #
  • Reading – Mitt Romney Unveils Yet Another Secret Plan (Kevin Drum) #
  • Reading – Copyright’s Robot Wars Heat Up as Algorithms Block Live-Streams (Kurt Opsahl & Parker Higgens) #
  • Reading – The GOP convention negative bounce: a final look (Sam Wang) #
  • Finished recording this week’s CC with Ivan a few minutes ago. Will try to get it out sooner than Friday, but Alex just woke up, so… #
  • MT @FHQ: .@DrewLinzer Hoping for race to tighten if only see how robust these models are. As is not different from avgs #
  • MT @BuzzFeedAndrew: Obama camp: “The president believes as much that god should be taken off a coin as he does that aliens will attack FL.” #
  • MT @BuzzFeedAndrew: Gallup also had Carter up by 8 in late October… RT @DRUDGE_REPORT GALLUP HAD CARTER UP 4 PTS OVER REAGAN IN SEPT 1980… #
  • Reading – Saving YouTube From the Choking Web of Rights (Lauren Weinstein) #
  • RT @ppppolls: My question for #tcot Do you think Soros is funding the Rasmussen and Gallup bounces or just the PPP one? #
  • Reading – The Bounce Has Arrived (Nate Cohn) #
  • MT @Taniel: Politico reports GOP internals have O up high singledigits in Ohio. Confirms @DavidShuster report that O internals had him up 9% #
  • Reading – Obama Asks 7-Year-Old for his Birth Certificate (Connor Simpson) #
  • RT @BuzzFeedAndrew: This is amazing. Pizza shop owner gives president a big hug. #
  • RT @elisefoley: What on earth are Biden ( and Obama ( doing today? #
  • Watching – This Will Make You Cry of the Day (Cheezburger) #
  • EC Update for Sun Sep 9 done. No polls added. No changes. #
  • Reading – Will Defecting From the GOP Help Ron Paul’s Supporters Take It Over? (Robin Koerner) #
  • MT @jbplainblog: RT @taniel: Election has begun: Already 2 voters have returned absentee ballots in North Carolina! #
  • Reading – 2012 Early Voting Statistics (Michael McDonald) #
  • Reading – Obama’s Biggest Lead Over Romney Since March (Simon Jackman) #
  • Reading – The Bounce Matters (Nate Cohn) #

@abulsme Updates from 2012-09-08 (UTC)

  • RT @electionate: Romney releasing 15 ads in eight states, but not Wisconsin. #
  • RT @StevenLevy: Obama speech good, but no new tablet or phone. #
  • MT @drgrist: Dem convention worked because MO, BC, and B. Obama speeches worked together to tell a coherent story. A single, long speech. #
  • RT @CenteredPols: RT @JohnJHarwood: Convention bounce? Team Obama expecting 1 or 2 percentage pts, hoping for 3 or 4 #
  • RT @jamisonfoser: Palin on Kerry: “How does he even know my name?” By not being breathtakingly ignorant about everything. Look into it. #
  • MT @freddoso: CNBC: If you gave your money to Bernie Madoff in 2008, you’d have lost less than an equivalent investment in Goldman Sachs. #
  • MT @BigJoeBastardi: Left Isaac pic this am.. top right Isaac track so far, ECMWF next 10 days. Bottom right Ginger 71. #
  • BINGO! 100% Agree. Reading – Democrats parade Osama bin Laden’s corpse as their proudest achievement (Glenn Greenwald) #
  • RT @igorbobic: Romney on RNC speech: “I didn’t use the word troops. I used the word military. I think they refer to the same thing.” #
  • RT @owillis: hey reporters, when romney says “i will create jobs” its not bias to ask “how?” sure, rush will say mean things, but come on. #
  • MT @BuzzFeedAndrew: RT @Politicker: I Fought the AP and the AP Won: Hope Poster Artist Sentenced to Two Years Probation #
  • RT @FHQ: RT @pollster: Michael P. McDonald: Early Voting Has Started in NC #
  • RT @fivethirtyeight: All three trackers today (Ipsos/Rasmussen/Gallup) show a bounce for Obama. Looks like Clinton moved the needle a bit. #
  • Reading – Dear Democrats: If you do That you have to do This (Juan Cole) #
  • Reading – Jimmy Wales threatens to encrypt Wikipedia if UK passes snooping bill (Timothy B. Lee) #
  • Reading – Wikipedia told Philip Roth he’s not “credible source” on book he wrote (Jon Brodkin) #
  • EC update for Sep 8 done. Poll added in AL. No status change. #
  • Reading – Reality Rebranding: Corporate Logos Get Brutally Honest (Delana, WebUrbanist) #
  • Reading – Are you better off without dumb campaign questions? (Ezra Klein) #
  • Reading – How One Hard-to-Spot Visual Detail Could Help Shape Voter Perceptions (Emily Chertoff) #
  • Reading – On Self-Publishing and Amazon (John Green) #
  • Reading – Have The Conventions Changed The Race? (Andrew Sullivan) #
  • Reading – Twitter Reportedly Discontinuing Development of Its Mac Client (John Gruber) #
  • RT @joshtpm: Just hints & smatterings of data so far. but looks like we may see a real bump out of Dem convention. #

3rd Haircut


Alex’s First “A”

Drawn on my iPhone in the “ABC Tracer” app on September 1st (01:42 UTC).

@abulsme Updates from 2012-09-07 (UTC)

  • Giffords! #
  • Aw, I actually missed it. Just closing up at work and saw her on the stage. Just after she finished. Oh well, will see the repeat later. #
  • Just got home. I know Biden is about to start, but Alex really wants to show me his new pants right now. #
  • Oh, sorry, new PLANTS! For his room. He is very proud of them. #
  • Here’s Biden! #
  • It was Tuesday night. Not last night or Monday. #Joementum #
  • Everybody saying Biden ad-libbing too. Pulling it off so far. #
  • I remember liking Biden when he was running, what, decades ago? :-) #
  • I was thinking about 1988. Long time ago. #
  • Would have been better than Dukakis. #
  • Once again hard to listen. Toddler desperately trying to get my attention instead. #
  • Went outside to escape. Will try to watch the rest now. Love my son, but kinda upset I’ve missed so much of Biden. :-( #
  • Watching non-live later just isn’t the same. :-) #
  • I am always uncomfortable with the glorification of killing OBL. #
  • MT @natsecHeather yo @attackerman I think you just got the end of your GWOT there with the closing a wound language about why OBL mattered. #
  • Lots of people tonight talking about how hawkish the Dems are this time, while the R’s… not so much. Way different than previous cycles. #
  • RT @joshrogin Is Biden gonna mention he advised Obama not to go through with the raid on OBL? #
  • RT @ZekeJMiller Biden: ” But in case you didn’t notice, they didn’t have the courage to tell you what calls they would make. ” #
  • RT @mattyglesias Surprised they don’t cover OBL’a head in tar and stick it on a spike in Lafayette Park. #
  • RT @dandrezner Biden blasting the creation of jobs overseas Yeah!! F**k the rest of the world!! #headdesk #
  • They followed me outside. :-/ #
  • Alex on my lap again. #
  • Missed the last five minutes. #
  • Alex upset and crying. Me upset and distracted. Now in quiet place to watch. I think. Missed most of it. #
  • Basically missed the whole thing other than a couple minutes in the middle. Sigh. #
  • Trying to get myself back to a nice calm level state before Obama comes out. Still in a stressed mode right now. Sigh! #
  • Here we go. Obama movie. #
  • Saw some comments earlier based on the released prepared remarks. #
  • Really wish they wouldn’t release/leak such things in advance. #Spoilers #
  • What I did see (just glanced at stuff in breaks at work, didn’t read much) sounded more like a State of the Union. I hope it really isn’t. #
  • Here comes Michelle. #
  • And here we go… #
  • Watching by Slingbox means I’m like 30 seconds to a minute behind everybody on Twitter. Oops. #
  • Obama kids cute. #
  • He accepts! Shocker! I guess that makes it official. (Although the chair said he accepted last night.) #
  • RT @mattyglesias In retrospect, pre-Inauguration Obama really was selling a lot of wishful thinking. #
  • RT @Atrios RT @chucktodd: BTW, the Hillary for Biden rumors can now officially be put to rest. It is now too late //eye on the ball #
  • Everybody is jumping up. The joke wasn’t that funny. #
  • He is playing the adult grown up. #
  • RT @chucktodd The “I need more time” portion of the speech. The “don’t change horses in midstream” argument every incumbent prez makes #
  • Rally around a set of goals? Really? #
  • They usually get better toward the end. RT @ericspiegelman So far this is the fourth or fifth best speech of the DNC. #
  • But yeah -> RT @nickconfessore For all Obamas rep as a killer speechmaker this feels underwhelming compared to Michelle Obama Biden Clinton. #
  • RT @owillis this guy seems to love america and is nothing like the scary black dude on fox. #
  • RT @jeffjarvis “I fixed their fuckups.” I wish that were his message. That was Clinton’s message about him. #
  • This *is* getting SotUish. List of policy initiatives that are pie in the sky. Isn’t exciting or inspiring. Guess we needed Bill for that. #
  • RT @anamariecox I think Michelle wears the inspiring pants in the family these days. #pantsstatus #
  • My twitter feed moving much more slowly during this than Michelle or Bill. #
  • Most will only see Obama though. RT @AriMelber Obama is all about the future here – Biden handled the history brief. #
  • Obama needed to handle both past and future. Ah, some of that now… #
  • RT @davidfrum Clinton talked to moderates, Biden to independents, Obama to the Democratic base. #
  • Literally. RT @natsecHeather It appears that Biden speech fried my laptop. Literally. #
  • RT @mattyglesias This cautious speech makes me think tomorrow’s jobs number is pretty good. Remember Obama’s seen it. #
  • Of course he is. RT @mattyglesias This is the speech you give when you think you’re winning and just want to avoid screwing up. #
  • Alex just joined me. Quiet so far. #
  • Got a few Romney hits in over the last couple minutes. Nothing super memorable. #
  • Call out to arithmetic line just reminds how much better Clinton did it. #
  • Yup! RT @rebliv @abulsme you’re bitchy #
  • Alex back with mom after started getting more distracting. #
  • I miss 2008 Obama. #
  • I miss 2004 Obama even more. #
  • MT @drskyskull Hope that by 2016 campaign focus on algebra and maybe, in 2020 we can have a calculus Presidential campaign. #DNC2012 #
  • MT @JudgeJimGrayVP Obama didn’t keep the promises he made in 2008. Who’s to say he’ll keep the promises he’s making in 2012? #DNC2012 #
  • MT @natsecHeather Rec foam bricks 4 throwing at tv. They help kid dad RT @abulsme Alex back with mom after started getting more distracting. #
  • @natsecHeather I will try that for the debates. :-) #
  • .@natsecHeather I will try that for the debates. :-) #
  • RT @anamariecox YOU DID THAT = “Oh, hai. We’ll take that ‘You didn’t build that” joke from you now. See you in November.” #dnc12 #
  • Now starting to come together. Time to bring it home? #
  • Hitting 11 Eastern. #
  • False alarm. Not getting exciting yet. #
  • I understand trying to do the sober, “Now I’m President, I am serious” thing, but… pump it up just a little more? #
  • Alex just ran into the office and is holding the door to keep Mommy from taking him back out again. #
  • Here is the crescendo. #
  • And that’s a wrap. #
  • Stronger close, but this was not his best work by a long shot. But it didn’t need to be. #
  • Here comes the family. Bidens next. #
  • MT @DouthatNYT Thought people who talked about Clinton overshadowing Obama were just looking for Clinton drama. But they were so, so right. #
  • Miss the balloons. #
  • Everybody saying this was safe speech you give when you are winning. They are right. And he is in a very strong position. #
  • But it would have been nice to see him try to hit a home run anyway. #
  • RT @ericspiegelman I mean, I guess if you go up 15 runs by the 6th inning, you can rely on the bench for the rest of the game. #
  • And all off the stage. Time for the closing stuff. #
  • Some random delegate crying. Uh, OK. #
  • MT @zidaya @abulsme @JudgeJimGrayVP Srsly? He just ran through the list…healthcare, Iraq, car industry, DADT, Lilly Ledbetter, etc… #
  • .@zidaya Indeed. Has gotten quite a lot done. Missed on some other things. IE: Civil Liberties. Depends which are most important to you. #
  • No Obama promise to fix that! MT @BuzzFeedAndrew Seriously, AP, you’re going to put a copyright claim on my YouTube video I got from C-SPAN? #
  • RT @gov A new record political moment on Twitter: @barackobama drives 52,757 Tweets per minute. Over 9 million Tweets sent about #DNC2012 #
  • Odd overall tweet rate higher, but tweets of those I follow slower tonight. #
  • Bring back the purple! RT @jimacostacnn Both conventions are over and one thing clear… We are back to being red states and blue states. #
  • Benediction over. TIme for the gavel. #
  • RT @BDayspring Was there a single new reason to vote for President Obama in tonight’s speech if you weren’t already? #
  • Gavel time! #
  • Time to go lavish attention on my son. :-) #
  • MT @zidaya: @abulsme I’ve been having this conv w/oth who are disappointed: U can say he hasn’t done enuf, but don’t say he has done nothing #
  • .@zidaya Never have said he did nothing. Never will. Lots done. Some I like, some I don’t. About what I expected when I voted 4 him though. #
  • @zidaya thanks, I will. :-) #
  • RT @BDayspring: SAVING AMERICA?!!?!? hahahaha. RT @zidaya: .@abulsme g Hope, not fear; details, not lies, saving America, #
  • RT @zidaya .@abulsme @BDayspring Hope, not fear; details, not lies, saving America, not saving taxes for rich. #
  • Wish I’d managed to actually not be distracted through most of Biden’s speech. Consensus seems to be it was better than Obama’s. #
  • RT @zidaya: .@abulsme @BDayspring What do you remember was happening in fall 2008-2009? Anything at all? Those who ignore history… #
  • .@zidaya @bdayspring In case confusion of my retweets for advocacy, personally: and my analysis: #
  • RT @zidaya @abulsme I think I was speaking to @judgejimgrayvp ‘s comment that Obama didn’t keep his promises; that annoys the h* out of me. #
  • .@zidaya Record is mixed on promises too. He tried on most though. Often where he failed it was straight out R obstruction that stopped him. #
  • @zidaya @hominidviews Cool. Glad you like it! Takes a bunch of work. Good to know when people actually read it. :-) #
  • @zidaya Don’t know that I will. For me it is Obama vs Johnson and I am not fully decided yet. This week moves me toward Obama though. #
  • @zidaya The Libs are often kind of out there and detached from reality. Johnson is a bit more moderate I think, which is important to me. #
  • @zidaya I need to spend some more time researching him though. Know a lot less about him and his position than Obama or Romney. #
  • @zidaya If I find too much of the absolutist Libertarian dogma, I’ll be done with him. What I would like best is a Lib leaning moderate. #
  • @zidaya It absolutely should be. Very sad that it isnt. Should be uncontroversial pos in all parties for that matter. Seems fundamental. #
  • @zidaya @gerrycanavan Heh. Indeed. 1 can hope O will be more free in a 2nd term & be better. But suspect often he already is where he wants. #
  • MT @zidaya @abulsme @gerrycanavan My hope is withdrawal from Afg leads better results+no reelect means can think about legacy #hope change #
  • .@zidaya @gerrycanavan That would be nice. :-) Will still have obstructionist R’s in congress though. (Probably) #
  • MT @zidaya: @abulsme @gerrycanavan But on FP + civil rights, that’s all on Obama. Real hope is Supreme Court (Ginsburg + Breyer + Kennedy) #
  • .@zidaya @gerrycanavan Not much disagreement there. :-) #
  • RT @zidaya .@abulsme @gerrycanavan +if O is reelected, O’care goes into full effect+he will have leverage in ‘fiscal cliff’ negotiations. #
  • .@zidaya @gerrycanavan Not sure how well leverage will work. We’ll see. Of course, falling off cliff might actually be good in some ways. #
  • .@zidaya @gerrycanavan Sets new baseline. Both sides could then “lower taxes” to get where they really want to be, etc. #
  • Oh, I complained earlier about missing Biden. Did listen to Kerry in car on way home though. Better than I remember from 2004. #
  • Watching second half of Biden on repeat. Liking it. #
  • MT @wilw: @ggreenwald I loved Kerry’s passion, wish he’d had that in 2004, but wish wasn’t so focused on how TOTALLY AWESOME wars are. Sigh. #
  • Reading – Obama’s Speech: Blog Reax II (Andrew Sullivan) #
  • Reading – Simply Put (Andrew Sullivan) #
  • Reading – Stat-urday: Lombardo’s Quadratic Molasses (Sam Wang) #
  • Reading – E-Book Prices Should Start Dropping Soon (Leslie Horn) #
  • Reading – NASA Satellite Captures First Glimpse of Curiosity’s Tracks From Martian Orbit (Rebecca J. Rosen) #
  • Reading – Quote of the Day: How Does John Kerry Even Know Sarah Palin’s Name? (Kevin Drum) #
  • Reading – Amazon confirms: yes, you can opt out of ads on new Kindle Fire models (Jon Fingas) #
  • Reading – Chart of the Day: Net New Jobs in August (Kevin Drum) #
  • BTW, Polls in my models updated for today. New poll in NJ. No change in status. #
  • Reading – The Electoral College Map (9/7/12) [Josh Putnam] #
  • MT @LOLGOP: Fun Fact: Joe Biden is the only American Vice President in the last eleven years who hasn’t shot a friend in a face. #

@abulsme Updates from 2012-09-06 (UTC)

  • Home from work. Did I hear some crazy God and Jerusalem stuff happened at #DNC Sigh. They shouldn’t have changed anything. Bleh. #
  • The toddler is asleep. Putting on #DNC while I clean a bit. And mayhaps tweet a bit. Fluke on now I see. #
  • And lots of people locked out of #DNC too I hear. Fun stuff. #
  • I was busy with something else, but looks like the Clinton stuff has started. #
  • I hated him while he was in office, but he has grown on me since then. #
  • And here is Clinton. Always liked the song too. #
  • He really does know how to work a crowd. Saw him in person in 1993. He can really get you. #
  • Tivo wants to change to record Caillou. No!!! #
  • Sounds like he is losing his voice. #
  • I’m guessing that is one of those stats where net vs gross and how you count makes a big diff. (Jobs created R vs D) #
  • Saying good things about older Republicans. Good stuff. #
  • The old sane GOP. #
  • Even GWB on hurricane stuff though. He wasn’t one of those old R’s. :-) #
  • RT @poniewozik Bill Clinton just got the Democratic National Convention to applaud George W Bush #
  • RT @JimPethokoukis Man, would Clinton love to be president again #
  • This stuff riffs right on Obama’s old not Red not Blue stuff. Important stuff. #
  • RT @anamariecox Like, whole paragraphs and sections, he’s adding. Prompter person is scrambling a little. #dnc2012 #
  • Hillary callout. All about working with people Obama doesn’t fully agree with. Team of Rivals stuff. #
  • Signal skipped. Missed a few sentences I think. Bleh. #
  • RT @HuntsmanAbby We need “Partnership over partisanship in Washington DC.” #DNC2012 #Clinton #
  • MT @ZekeJMiller Clinton summing up GOP argument: we left him a total mess he hasn’t cleaned it up fast enough so fire him and put us back in #
  • “There they go again!” Quoting Reagan. Awesome. #
  • “Are we better off than when he took office?” Hits it straight on. (Not 4 years though, important diff.) #
  • RT @mikemadden Bill Clinton improvising on live television is pretty much the reason they should keep having political conventions. #
  • RT @BorowitzReport Clinton: “Now I’d like to read the phone book in its entirety.” (standing ovation) #
  • RT @greenfield64 No one–no one alive–has a better time in the political arena than this guy. #
  • RT @Alyssa_Milano Bill Clinton, I love you so much. Like crazy amounts of love. #
  • RT @ericspiegelman The GOP considers Ryan a “star.” Compare that to the Democratic stars. It’s like the Daytime Emmys vs. the Oscars. #
  • MT @sullydish Brilliant and core point: difference between Obama and GOP is that Obama can compromise and the Republicans will not. #
  • RT @Mudflats Clinton keeps going off “script.” :) You’d never know it. Audience is eating it up. #dnc2012 #
  • Twitter saying we are only halfway… #
  • Alex just woke up. :-) #
  • Starting to feel like a lull. My attention drifting. Waiting for the inevitible crescendo at the end. #
  • Alex on lap. #
  • RT @owillis seriously, how did anyone ever think bob dole had a shot against this guy? #
  • RT @FranklinFoer Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow…cause that’s when this will end. #
  • MT @sullydish Lost count of number of times he said, “Now, LISTEN …” We are. Telling a story Obama has so far failed to tell effectively. #
  • Alex tried to pause Tivo. I yelled No! He cried. Oops. #
  • He is happy again, but distracting. Hard to listen to Clinton with toddler on lap. #
  • Goes after the fact checker line. Good. That was basically saying “We’ll lie whenever we need to.” #
  • RT @mattyglesias “One more thing…” Clinton reveals 7 inch iPad and LTE iPhone. #
  • RT @Mudflats Someone is getting taken to Bill Clinton’s wood shed. And that’s a hell of a wood shed. #sleepwellMitt #dnc2012 #
  • Bored now. RT @BuzzFeedBen This is moving from “greatest speech ever” to gong territory pretty fast. #
  • MT @AshleyRParker 15 min over his allotted time Clinton says, “Let’s talk about the debt…” and the crowd eagerly settles in for more. #DNC #
  • Coming up on the rousing finale I assume. Good. :-) #
  • Fair. OK RT @smotus A former president is explaining politics, history, and economics. Quit whining about the length of the speech. #DNC2012 #
  • And he is done… #
  • And O. #
  • This had more policy stuff, good policy stuff. And good hits on Romney. But Michelle’s hit home emotionally more. #
  • Roll Call now? #
  • Concludes the nominations? What about Terry? Rogers? Wolfe? The convict guy? No? #
  • RT @BuzzFeedAndrew It’s going to be awkward when the West Virginia delegation gives delegates to federal inmate Keith Judd. #
  • I wonder if any of the others who theoretically got delegates will actually get called out. #
  • RT @daveweigel Yeah, Hillary interrupted the roll call and asked for it. RT @reidepstein: Didn’t they do this by acclimation last time? #
  • @daveweigel @reidepstein But then they still did the full count behind the scenes and reported the results. #
  • RT @KrystalBall1 Steve Schmidt: “I wish to God as a Republican that we had someone who could do that.” #DNC2012 #
  • MT @BuzzFeedBen RT @joehagansays: Repub @alexcast (Alex Castellanos) says on CNN that Clinton’s speech probably just reelected Barack Obama. #
  • RT @BenariLee “And that’s how go off script, son.” -Bill Clinton to Clint Eastwood #DNC #
  • MT @DouthatNYT This is why Romney’s evasiveness/lack of creativity on policy was/is so risky. Leaves Rs *wide* open to Clintonian attacks. #
  • RT @jeffjarvis Brilliant point RT @JamesFallows: Clinton said more nice things about GW Bush than all RNC speakers combined #
  • MT @ericspiegelman When Dems go off script, they refute every point in the GOP policy. When Rs go off script, they yell at furniture. #
  • C-Span got confused by the half vote from Dems abroad, stopped updating delegate count. Several delegations later, gave up and took it down. #
  • RT @dandrezner RT @kohenari: Krauthammer on Clinton’s speech: “Giant swing and a miss” “Not going to move the needle whatsoever” #
  • @ZekeJMiller RT @peterbakernyt: If Pres Obama is reelected, he doesn’t actually become the 45th president. #
  • @ZekeJMiller @peterbakernyt Unless he loses this time, then runs again in 2020 and wins. But then he’d be 44th and 46th. Oh well. No 45th. #
  • @abulsme @zekejmiller @peterbakernyt Uh, or 2016. :-) #
  • MT @HuntsmanAbby Clinton reinforces underlying theme Americans want to be united not divided. Great play to capture mods/indeps #DNC2012 #
  • RT @cspan Infographic: Bill Clinton’s Length of #DNC Speeches in Minutes Since 1988 #cspanDNC #
  • MT @politicoroger If Obama pulls off hat trick tomorrow – Michelle, Bill, Barack – this will be 1 of greatest convs of modern times #DNC2012 #
  • RT @daveweigel Indiana, the 2008 blue state that nobody even pretends Obama can win again. #
  • RT @DouthatNYT Clinton’s speech nominating Hillary in 2016 is going to be a doozy, isn’t it? #
  • MT @BenjySarlin Obama’s should be pretty impressive too. RT @DouthatNYT: Clinton’s speech nominating Hillary in 2016 is going to be a doozy #
  • Dem nom in 2016 pretty much is Hillary’s if she wants it. Question is if she wants it. So far says no, but… #
  • Alex asking me VERY nicely to stop my show (Roll Call at #DNC and play trains. I said no. #NewsGeek #
  • RT @aburnspolitico This may be the first time in 2012 that I’ve had trouble getting a Romney statement that mentions Bill Clinton … #
  • @FHQ As in Tampa, there is no tally of total delegate votes on a board anywhere here in Charlotte. #dnc2012 #
  • MT @ForecasterEnten Interesting to see if/what type of bounce there will be out of the DNC. Some people might be getting ahead of themselves #
  • MT @mattyglesias Clinton is good but keep in mind that O is so good at formal political speeches that he won nom on otherwise thin resume. #
  • Passes to Ohio to put over the top.. #
  • And we are over 2777! Obama is officially the nominee. #
  • RT @GarrettQuinn RT @DrewHampshire: Vermin Supreme getting no love at the Democratic Convention tonight. There’s still time, New Hampshire. #
  • MT @BuzzFeedAndrew RT @sarahkliff: Clinton’s prepared remarks: 3136 words. Remarks as delivered: 5895 words (counting audience cheers). #
  • RT @drgrist I know I’m biased, but the contrast between these two conventions has just been stunning. #
  • CSpan delegate counter back by the way. Guess they eventually figured out that half delegate thing. #
  • RT @KyleTrygstad How off-script did Clinton go? This much… #dnc2012 #
  • MT @AriMelber Clinton is *not* done he just took the stage at an afterparty here “I don’t have much to add to what I said tonight,” but.. #
  • Ashley Judd! Woo! #
  • RT @AriMelber Bill Clinton just now: I said things that Obama can’t say becuase it would sound defensive. (At after-party, paraphrasing) #
  • MT @NiallStanage If O is onform tomorrow 2012 is going to be a really great control experiment in trying to answer “Do conventions matter?” #
  • Getting close to the end of the roll call now. #DNC #
  • Tweets coming in a lot slower now than during Clinton’s speech for some reason. :-) #
  • 114 of 120 for Obama in Washington state. 6 abstentions? #
  • Or did I hear wrong? #
  • Or maybe those delegates just left early. :-) #
  • Roll Call over! #
  • Official total? C-Span has 5415. #
  • So that would be 138 non-votes, right? 5553 delegates total I think. #
  • Motion makes it officially unanimous. #
  • Hall is almost empty. If I was there I’d still be on the floor damn it! #
  • Gavel to Gavel darn it! #
  • RT @BuzzFeedAndrew Wow, looks like everyone stuck around until the end… #
  • None of the other guys ended up getting their delegates. I feel sorry for Terry, Rogers, Wolfe and Judd. Oh well. Maybe 2016! #
  • Feel sorry for the benediction guy too. #EmptyHall #
  • Motion to recess. Ayes have it! #
  • RT @PlanetDr I’m just gonna put this out there…only Bill Clinton could get #arithmetic trending… #
  • Switching from C-Span to MSNBC just to see some talking heads for a bit. But Twitter during was more fun. #
  • Reading – Bill Clinton Shows How It’s Done (Molly Ball) #
  • OK. Enough talking heads. Time to walk the dog. #
  • Reading – Why Obama Is The Favorite (Taegan Goddard) #
  • RT @NASAVoyager2: Did you know? Apple’s smallest iPod nano, the 8GB, has ~100,000x the memory of the Voyager spacecraft. #
  • MT @AshleyJudd What fun & what an honor serving with the most diverse del from TN ever! Exhilarating night, now my dogs are barking (feet!). #
  • RT @PJ4MJJ Just saw that Bill Clinton’s still talking about Medicaid at the! #
  • Reading – Clinton, Obama, and the Triumph of Substance (Jonathan Cohn) #
  • Reading – Bill Clinton: wonk-in-chief (Ezra Klein) #
  • Reading – RNC Verdict: No Bounce (yet) [Drew, Votamatic] #
  • Reading – Huge Eruption on the Sun Revisited in Spectacular HD (Nancy Atkinson) #
  • BTW, Greenpapers has the final delegate count as 5424 Obama, 128 non-votes. Probably better than the C-Span count. #
  • Reading – No New Apple Television Products Coming in 2012 as Content Negotiations Stall Once Again (Eric Slivka) #
  • Reading – Bill Clinton, playing `referee,’ makes strongest case yet for Obama’s reelection (Greg Sargent) #
  • Reading – Alex Castellanos, GOP Strategist: Clinton Speech Was ‘Moment That Likely Reelected Obama’ (Sam Stein) #
  • Reading – Bill Clinton Wows ‘Em in Charlotte (Kevin Drum) #
  • Reading – Clinton’s Big Speech: Blog Reax (Andrew Sullivan) #
  • Reading – The Simple Case for Why Obama Is the Favorite (Nate Silver) #
  • Amazon Fire HD looking really sweet. With LTE! Knocking it out of the park. Going head to head with iPad now. This is going to be fun! #
  • Kyle Wagner: “And with that. Mic Drop. Bezos Out.” #
  • I don’t think anyone was expecting all of that. Boom! #
  • Your move Apple. #

Electoral College: Florida Flips Back to Obama

One change today. Just barely Romney Florida becomes just barely Obama Florida:

Now, some of you may remember my commentary on August 22nd when Florida moved to Romney. I mentioned that what pushed the average over to Romney was a poll showing a 14% lead for Romney… which was way out of line with any polling in the previous year… many sites that do poll analysis were just dropping it entirely as an outlier. I explained that I just leave everything in, and figure outliers will wash themselves out on their own before too long. That is exactly what happened here. As soon as the outlier poll aged out of the “Last 5 Polls” that I use for my average, Florida popped right back to being (just barely) leaning Obama. If I had simply excluded this poll, Obama’s lead in the five poll average would have dropped to 0.2%, but it would never have gone negative.

In any case, the five poll average now stands at an 0.8% Obama lead in Florida, so the state gets moved back into his column for the moment. I will caution, as I always do, that even leads up to 5% can be extremely ephemeral under the right circumstances. That is why I consider all states in that range as able to go either way pretty easily. A lead of less than 1%? That really is completely up for grabs. So nobody should read too much into Florida being just barely on one side of the line vs just barely on the other. Either way, Florida is still looking like a tossup.

This does put the “current” model right back to where it has been most of the year though:

Romney Obama
Romney Best Case 317 221
Current Status 206 332
Obama Best Case 180 358

In the most recent episode of Curmudgeon’s Corner recorded yesterday and released today, I mentioned that my “gut feel” was that we have seen Romney’s post-primary high water mark, and that we’ll start seeing Obama gaining ground going forward from this point. Despite today’s Florida change, the numbers don’t show that yet. We only have a small amount of post-RNC state level polling, and of course no post-DNC state level polling since that event isn’t even done yet. The right set of things hitting the news and things could break rapidly in Romney’s direction.

In recent times though, challengers have usually lost ground between their convention and the election. Nate Silver recently looked at this in detail. Silver of course points out that this is not a universal rule. 1996 and 2008 both did not fit this pattern. There is still lots of room for the daily ebb and flow of national and international events… and campaign rhetoric… to change the shape of this race. Generally speaking though, if Romney follows the typical pattern, he is done. To date he has never been ahead in this race. He needs to be gaining ground to win. He has no room for the sort of “normal” decline that Silver describes.

Romney needs something big to vault him into a clear lead. His convention was one of the biggest chances for that, and so far it looks like if he got any boost, it was minimal. Assuming we don’t see a very unexpected negative effect coming out of the Democratic convention that ends up helping Romney, this means Romney’s next big chances are the debates… which usually don’t have much of an effect unless someone screws up… or to just hope that Obama just gets pounded by bad news, economic or otherwise, that ends up eliminating Obama’s lead.

Romney could indeed win the debates decisively, or Obama could get hit by those waves of bad news… and that would change things… but like I said, my gut is saying the beginning of September will have marked Romney’s post-primary high water mark in my models. So write that down. I’m going out on that limb. You can all call me on it when it proves to be completely wrong. Which now that I’ve said it “out loud”, will almost certainly happen. :-)

Note: Chart and map from the 2012 Electoral College Prediction page. Both assume Obama vs Romney with no strong third party candidate and show polling as it currently exists. Things will change before election day. On the map red is Romney, blue is Obama, gold states are too close to call. Lines on the chart represent how many more electoral votes a candidate would have than is needed to tie under several different scenarios. Up is good for Obama, Down is good for Romney.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Into the Bad Zone

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan talk about:

  • Crazy Times / Polling Update
  • Republican Convention
  • Are You Better Off?
  • Apple vs Samsung
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Recorded on 5 Sep 2012

Length this week – 1:05:18

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@abulsme Updates from 2012-09-05 (UTC)

  • K. Just finished. So I will be able to Alex. #
  • Not live tweeting Michelle Obama speech. Playing trains with Alex. :-) #
  • Will Michelle run for Senate in 2016? :-) #
  • Michelle is killing this though. #
  • Wasn't entirely joking about Michelle running for office too. I said so in 2008 too after listening to a few of her speeches. #
  • MT @owillis chelsea: dad, did you see– bill: yes. it was magnificent. c: what about your speech? b: i burned it. michelle changed the game. #
  • Catching up :-) MT @SaraLibby: Patrick: "It's time for Dems to grow a backbone and stand up for what we believe!" Whole arena roars. #dnc #
  • MT @poniewozik: Re Deval Patrick: turns out you can give a speech that advances your political future AND endorses the guy you're there for #
  • Oops. Meant to text that to Brandy. Had just finished recording CC. RT @abulsme: K. Just finished. So I will be able to Alex. #
  • RT @HuntsmanAbby: Can't help but notice that the crowd at the DNC is just slightly more colorful than last week. #
  • MT @scalzi: Note to @ustream CEO: when you say "this wouldnt have happened with our premium product" you're saying your normal product sucks #
  • RT @markos: In that it doesn't suck? RT @michellemalkin: Tonight's #DNC = Bizarro version of #RNC #
  • Reading – Manual Transmission and the iPad Mini (John Gruber) #
  • RT @cliffschecter: I don't get it–Dems have an emotional video on during primetime & not old white person yelling at furniture #p2 #DNC2012 #
  • MT @BenjySarlin: This MO speech is supremely clever. Unassailable personal story but Romney message is impossible to miss at every turn. #
  • Reading – Live-Blogging Charlotte, Day One (Andrew Sullivan) #
  • RT @GlennThrush: Something that I didn't see in Tampa — wait staff cheering for convention speaker… Michelle #
  • RT @BenjySarlin: Also, this is surely the best speech of either convention so far. #
  • RT @dansinker: DNC 2012: Fuck it, let's run as Democrats. #
  • RT @mattyglesias: The iron fist in a velvet glove character of this speech should be in rhetoric textbooks. #
  • RT @owillis: bill clinton's going to have to do really well to live up to this. and he's bill effing clinton. #
  • RT @Alyssa_Milano: Wow. I love her. #
  • RT @billmaher: #MicheleObama – wow! After that speech, look out Hillary she may beat ya to the white house #
  • RT @MikeGrunwald: That's how it's done, folks. #
  • RT @FHQ: Delegates do not an electorate represent, but these people are fired up. …and yea, ready to go. #dnc2012 #
  • MT @LarrySabato: Michelle was terrific. So was Ann. But those who study elections will tell you: Spouses please voters but dont change votes #
  • RT @DouthatNYT: Ann Romney's speech was solid but overrated, and Michelle Obama's significantly more impressive speech proves it. #
  • RT @markos: Republicans? That sinking feeling in your gut is right. You are doomed. #
  • RT @DemConWatch: Gergen: 2 more nights like this, Dems could break the race open #
  • MT @mattyglesias: Democrats are totally dominant at set-piece speeches, too bad they have no forward-looking agenda to talk about. #
  • RT @froomkin: I have all sorts of qualms about Obama's presidency, but I am fiercely proud to have that person as our First Lady. #
  • RT @markos: Dems rocked tonight. You know Clinton will rock it tomorrow. And Thursday with Brack? This isn't even a fair fight. #
  • RT @owillis: "surely there must have been some socialism in it somewhere!" RT @MattGertz Fox hosts look extremely depressed right now. #
  • RT @drgrist: Jesus. This speech has left the Romneys in smoldering ruins without once mentioning them. #
  • MT @BuzzFeedAndrew: RT @jodikantor: Sorry people, M Obama will never run for public office. If she does, I will eat every page of my book. #
  • Wow. RT @BenjySarlin: RT @nycsouthpaw: ! RT @1bobcohn: CBS reports that Michelle wrote the speech herself and worked on it for a month. #
  • RT @KatrinaTrinko: Michelle Obama and Condi Rice may be best political female speakers out there right now. #
  • Reading – FLOTUS Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee (Garance Franke-Ruta) #
  • Reading – Michelle Obama, ‘Mom-in-Chief’ (Noreen Malone) #
  • Reading – Michelle Obama's Pitch to Disaffected Democrats (Kevin Drum) #
  • Reading – Michelle's Moment: Tweet Reax (Andrew Sullivan) #
  • Reading – Charlotte, Day One: Blog Reax (Andrew Sullivan) #
  • Reading – Driverless Cars Coming Soon to a State Near You (If You Happen to Live Near California) [Kevin Drum] #
  • Watching – Convention In 100 Seconds: DNC Day One (TPM TV) #
  • Reading – Democrats Reinvent Themselves As The Part Of Fiscal Austerity (Matthew Yglesias) #
  • MT @chrislhayes: I have no special insight, but 9/10, if not 99/100 off the record assertions that someone wrote their own speech are bunk. #
  • RT @chrislhayes: Not that the speech couldn't have been written by FLOTUS, just that there are speech writing staffs for a reason #
  • MT @dccommonsense: I watched MObama's speech online.Really people?You're all gonna swoon again over cleverlycrafted speeches delivered well? #