This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



Grama Leslie Visit Day 3

(For anybody wondering, there were no pictures from Day 2, so there was no post.)

A tussle on the floor with Grama.


@abulsme Updates from 2012-08-25 (UTC)

Curmudgeon’s Corner: The Circle of Life

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan talk about:

  • Ivan Baby News
  • “Legitimate Rape”
  • Election 2012

Recorded on 19 Aug 2012

Length this week – 1:08:23

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Yeah, I Took the “I Side With” Quiz… Winner: @GovGaryJohnson

There are always a number of these sorts of quizzes floating around in election years. This is the first one I’ve taken this cycle.

I am not surprised by Gary Johnson at the top, or Mitt Romney at the bottom. Kinda surprised by how high Jill Stein ranked. Maybe I will spend more time looking at her than I’d planned. I’d previously considered this a Johnson/Obama race as far as my own vote was concerned. Romney was never in play for me. Not even close.

I’m also surprised though that even though Johnson is my best match of the candidates and their positions, in terms of the parties (I guess based on their platforms?) I match the Democrats much better than the Libertarians. Perhaps this is because officially the Democratic party platform is still against the kinds of human rights and civil liberties abuses Obama now embraces in the name of fighting terrorism. Meanwhile, officially the Libertarians endorse some stuff that is pretty divorced from reality, while Johnson is a bit more moderate. Dunno.

Of course, Washington State will go for Obama no matter how I vote unless things go very very wrong for Obama in the next couple of months. So my vote is basically just academic.

For anybody else wanting to take the quiz, it is here. Enjoy. Report back on your results. :-)

@abulsme Updates from 2012-08-24 (UTC)

All Hands 17

Grama Leslie Visit Day 1

A blurry dog wag wag wagging away! (The rectangle on Roscoe is from some surgery he had a few weeks ago. Recovering nicely, thank you.)

Showing Grama Leslie the sandbox.

@abulsme Updates from 2012-08-22 (UTC)

Electoral College: Boom! Florida flips to Romney!

I mentioned yesterday that several states were right on the edge of tipping if things went Romney’s way. Right on cue, a couple new polls and the biggest one, Florida, flips over to Romney…

For the past few months Florida has been leaning toward Obama, but only by the slightest of margins. Now the five poll average shows a Romney lead in the state for the first time since May.

Now, I will point out that the poll that pushed the five poll average over the center line was one from Foster McCollum that some places are treating as an outlier and therefore are not including in their averages. It has Obama up by 14%. By comparison no other poll has shown a Romney lead of more than 5% since May, and the biggest lead Romney has shown in any Florida poll in the last YEAR is 7%. Nate Silver actually specifically discussed this poll and the problems with it and why some people are excluding it in a recent post.

For my models, if a poll turns up in any of my several sources, I use it. I do not do any specific outlier removal. I let the five poll average do what the five poll average does, and if you have an outlier, it will still be balanced by the other four polls in the average, and soon enough as new polls come in, it will age out of the average anyway. With this poll, Florida shows up in my average with a 2.8% Romney lead. If you excluded it, you would have an 0.2% Obama lead. Either way, the polling shows Florida is very very close and could go either way.

I do count it though, and this means the first change in the “Current” line in my model since May (the last time Florida flipped).

Romney Obama
Romney Best Case 317 221
Current Status 235 303
Obama Best Case 180 358

This puts Romney back where he was in May in terms of the electoral college results if all the states vote according to current polling. That is, Obama wins 303 to 235. As I mentioned yesterday, in terms of his best case (where he wins all the close states and wins 317 to 221) this is the best position Romney has had since February.

Obama is still ahead in this race. But Romney has been gaining on him all month. Things look a lot closer now than they did a few weeks ago. And we’re about to head into convention week for the Republicans, so we should expect a further bounce toward Romney. (Although some analysts think it will be smaller than usual since so many people have already made up their minds.)

The things to watch will be if the bounce is wide spread enough and long lasting enough to actually put Romney in the lead for the electoral college for the first time ever. And if it does, can he keep any of those gains? The convention bounces are usually ephemeral and after the hubbub from both conventions die down, you end up pretty close to where you were before them.

Ohio (18 ev), Colorado (9 ev) and Iowa (6 ev) have Obama leads less than 2% at the moment. Will Romney pick off one of them next? If he is going to, the next couple of weeks are when you would expect it to happen first. So keep watching.

Note: Chart and map from the 2012 Electoral College Prediction page. Both assume Obama vs Romney with no strong third party candidate and show polling as it currently exists. Things will change before election day. On the map red is Romney, blue is Obama, gold states are too close to call. Lines on the chart represent how many more electoral votes a candidate would have than is needed to tie under several different scenarios. Up is good for Obama, Down is good for Romney.

@abulsme Updates from 2012-08-21 (UTC)

  • RT @ppppolls: Mitt Romney ever so slightly in the lead on our Wisconsin poll. Results out tomorrow #
  • RT @ppppolls: Last month we had Romney at 87% of GOP vote in Wisconsin, now 93%. That is probably the true Ryan effect- party unification #
  • RT @thinkprogress: UPDATE: Mitt Romney will not call on Todd Akin to drop out of the race #
  • RT @joshtpm: Sometimes I misspeak and inadvertently endorse bizarre medical theories w/no basis in science. #longday #misspoke #ovaaresmart #
  • MT @electionate: I think Romney’s chances depend more on making up several pts turnout than some 1980-redux where he sweeps undecided voters #
  • RT @mattdawidowicz: Obama is not “trading Wisconsin for Florida”. If these WI polls stick and Romney wins nationally, he will win both. #
  • RT @markos: Conservatives still hate Romney, but they can now vote FOR Ryan. Their challenge is to get everyone else to do so. #
  • RT @daveweigel: So, Medicare? I vaguely remember talking about that. #
  • RT @markos: Akin has five weeks to drop out, if he wants to: #
  • MT @owillis: akin: I used the wrong words in the wrong way. trans: sry i said what i actually believed. that stuff’s for the base not y’all. #
  • RT @Atrios: so there’s the forcible rape, and then the non-forcible kind #whatthefuck #
  • RT @owillis: really wish akin and his supporters could clearly delineate which forms of rape they are/aren’t ok with. asking for a friend. #
  • RT @MileHighBecky: I’d like to congratulate Claire McCaskill on 6 more years in the Senate. #
  • RT @HiCommander: Maybe we should convince the USN that it needs to send a boat to Titan. #
  • RT @HiCommander: After all, the USAF has a secret mini robot space shuttle. Why can’t the USN have a mini robot boat? On Titan. #
  • RT @PlanetDr: Not gonna lie. I’m a little bit heartbroken. We now officially have no outer planets missions in the works. #
  • RT @PlanetDr: Still operational: New Horizons, Cassini, and Juno. So sometime ~2018 will have no outer solar system missions. #
  • RT @PlanetDr: Luckily the Europeans are working on a mission to Europa. So, there’s that #
  • RT @PlanetDr: Didn’t count the Voyagers as outer solar system missions since they are presently leaving the solar system (=P to @asrivkin) #
  • MT @mckaycoppins: Seriously brutal @TheOnion “Pregnant Woman Relieved To Learn Her Rape Was Illegitimate” #
  • RT @BuzzFeedAndrew: A photo of Todd Aiken posing with a sign that reads “You can’t fix stupid.” #
  • Reading – When the Polling Gets Weird (Nate Silver) #
  • RT @ppppolls: After all that Akin STILL leads McCaskill, 44-43. Little difference from our last poll which was Akin 45-44 #
  • RT @dandrezner: And the other 25% were on crack? MT @ppppolls: 75% of Missouri voters think Akin’s comments were inappropriate #
  • Reading – Romney Says Todd Akin Should Exit Missouri Senate Race (Charles Johnson) #