There are always a number of these sorts of quizzes floating around in election years. This is the first one I’ve taken this cycle.
I am not surprised by Gary Johnson at the top, or Mitt Romney at the bottom. Kinda surprised by how high Jill Stein ranked. Maybe I will spend more time looking at her than I’d planned. I’d previously considered this a Johnson/Obama race as far as my own vote was concerned. Romney was never in play for me. Not even close.
I’m also surprised though that even though Johnson is my best match of the candidates and their positions, in terms of the parties (I guess based on their platforms?) I match the Democrats much better than the Libertarians. Perhaps this is because officially the Democratic party platform is still against the kinds of human rights and civil liberties abuses Obama now embraces in the name of fighting terrorism. Meanwhile, officially the Libertarians endorse some stuff that is pretty divorced from reality, while Johnson is a bit more moderate. Dunno.
Of course, Washington State will go for Obama no matter how I vote unless things go very very wrong for Obama in the next couple of months. So my vote is basically just academic.
For anybody else wanting to take the quiz, it is here. Enjoy. Report back on your results. :-)