This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



April 2012

2008 vs 2012 after DC/MD/WI

We’d last talked about this after Louisiana. But at that point in terms of % of delegates allocated the 2012 progress in the race still hadn’t gotten to where we were in 2008 immediately after Super Tuesday. We were in the 2008 “gap” caused by the large number of delegates allocated on Super Tuesday in 2008. At this point in the race, on April 4th, we are STILL not quite past where we were once all the 2008 Super Tuesday delegates were counted. But we are close…

And once again, we see that, yes, Romney is behind where McCain was at the corresponding place in the delegate hunt. But it is very close. It is not a big substantial difference. Right now we have 50.4% of the delegates allocated and Romney has 29.0% of them. On the day in 2008 we finally had all the results from Super Tuesday (February 9th) we had 52.1% and McCain had 30.0% of the delegates.

So Romney is 1.0% or so behind McCain’s pace from 4 years ago once you are looking at an even scale based on % of delegates determined so far. These lines fairly neatly track each other. There is NOT a substantial gap where Romney was underperforming McCain.

The perception certainly has been that there was. Romney having problems wrapping it up and such. But this is 100% due to the stretched out calendar. It is not due to winner take all vs proportional. It is just about the calendar. The fact that here on April 4th, we STILL haven’t allocated as many delegates as were allocated on February 9th back in 2008 is extraordinary. This is why it SEEMS like it has taken a lot longer to wrap things up… because it has! But in terms of the calendar only. The Republicans stretched out the whole race by spreading the contests out, so of course it takes more calendar time for the winner to consolidate their win. Duh.

But this doesn’t support the conclusion that Romney was somehow less able to consolidate Republican support than McCain was. They really have moved through the process at a remarkably similar rate.

It just doesn’t seem like it because the process is so stretched out this time.


2012 Republican Delegate Count: It Is Over (DC, MD, WI and ND Update)

Charts from the 2012 Republican Delegate Count Graphs page. When a candidate gets down to 0%, they have cinched the nomination. If they get up past 100%, they have been mathematically eliminated. The first chart is by date, the second is by “% of Delegates Already Allocated”. These numbers include estimates of the eventual results of multi-stage caucus processes which will be refined as the later stages occur.

So… this is it. Long ago any realistic possibility for any non-Romney to win the nomination disappeared. With today’s update the already long odds for the non-Romneys to keep Romney from getting to 1144 essentially drop to zero. This is over. Romney wins. Without any sort of brokered convention. For something else to happen now we’d need some event that was so earth shaking that Romney dropped out. This is extremely unlikely.

Details below.

We have updates from four contests. In alphabetical order:

  • DC: DC is winner take all, Romney gets all 16 delegates.
  • Maryland: Maryland is not actually winner take all, you get some delegates for winning the state, and then more delegates go to the winner of each congressional district. But Romney not only won the state, but every congressional district. So Romney gets all 37 delegates.
  • North Dakota: North Dakota had the first round of its process in March. At that time the delegate estimate was Santorum 11, Paul 8 , Romney 7 , Gingrich 2. But the state Republican Convention happened last weekend, and Romney supporters owned the parliamentary process, taking the lion’s share of the delegates despite coming in third in March. That’s how it works in caucus states sometimes. It took a couple days for Green Papers to confirm a new estimate, but it now looks like Romney 20, Santorum 6, Paul 2. So the net today is Romney +13, Gingrich -2, Santorum -5, Paul -6.
  • Wisconsin: Wisconsin also allocates some delegates based on both state and CD winners. Romney won the state. Romney won 5 CDs. Santorum won 3 CDs. So overall we have a delegate count of Romney 33, Santorum 9

Add those up and we have a net total for today of Romney +99, Santorum +4, Gingrich -2, Paul -6 Obviously Romney completely dominated the day.

In terms of “% of remaining delegates needed to win” we have this:

  • Romney: 47.3% -> 42.5%
  • Santorum: 71.8% -> 77.5%
  • Gingrich: 80.5% -> 87.5%
  • Paul: 86.8% -> 94.6%

The also-rans who left the race early on… Bachman, Huntsman and Perry… are mathematically eliminated after today. Paul, Gingrich and Santorum will inevitably join them soon.

The blocking Romney option? At this point the non-Romneys collectively would need to get 57.5% of the remaining delegates. So far they have managed 42.6% of the delegates. A change of this sort, while not mathematically impossible, would be unprecedented, especially since we are in the phase of the campaign where it is clear Romney is winning and the others are losing. People just stop voting for losers. As things go on, the % of delegates the non-Romneys get will probably actually decline. A major increase is just not going to happen.

It is over.

(We will of course continue to update these charts until Romney actually gets to 1144 however.)

Stupid Self-Correction on MD and WI

Sometime a few weeks ago I looked at the upcoming states and misread something and got it stuck in my head that DC, MD and WI were all winner take all states. I then repeated that a number of times on this blog and in my podcast.


DC is indeed winner take all, but MD and WI are only “Winner take all by State and Congressional District”. So some delegates are chosen winner take all by the state results, and then additional delegates are allocated for the winners of each congressional district. So not really WTA.

Oops. Sorry about that. In any case, when I post delegate updates they will of course reflect the actual delegate distributions, not my imaginary winner take all results. This does mean that today will probably not be quite as much of a knockout punch for Romney as I expected, but it is looking to still be a pretty decisive victory, certainly more than he needs to be on pace for 1144.

@abulsme Updates from 2012-04-03 (UTC)

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Enter the Doldrums

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam and Ivan talk about:

  • Election 2012
  • Snohomish County Republican Convention
  • Car Scratch / RIM Results
  • Megamillions / April Fools

Just click to listen now:

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@abulsme Updates from 2012-04-02 (UTC)

  • MT @BYUfan: @abulsme I looked up Stephen Brediger. You had him as unknown. He's a Romney. So, results for LD44 were R 26, S 7, G 5, P 1. #
  • @BYUfan Thanks for the info on that delegate! He gave no speech, so I couldn't classify him. #
  • @BYUfan Just now I realized I said Tepublican instead of Republican as I wrapped up my live tweeting. I was very tired by then. :-) #
  • Reading – Superdelegate chaos in MA (MAtt, DCW) #
  • @candygirl777 The rules make it hard 4 minority candidates to get delegates. Paul got more than I expected in 44th. And he only got 1. :-) #
  • @candygirl777 What kind of shenanigans did you see? #
  • @BYUfan I knew I could undervote. Didn't want to. :-). Thanks for reading it all. Looking back, that was quite a few tweets. :-) #
  • @BYUfan Q: Why didn't nonRomneys motion in morning to change rules to simply allocate dels proportionately to straw poll results in each LD? #
  • @BYUfan It worked in some counties in MO. Convention passed motion, done in much less than 16 hours. Obv Romney would oppose, but worth try? #
  • @BYUfan 2/3 might be possible. Arguments to make: 1) Fair and democratic. 2) You'll be outta here in 30 minutes instead of many hours. :-) #
  • @BYUfan Some counties in MO did do this, but not sure the initial mix of candidate support there. #
  • @BYUfan Would also still have to determine the way to pick actual delegates within that allocation though. #
  • @BYUfan Cool. That kind of motion much less likely to succeed at state than county though. More dedicated folks, probably more discipline. #
  • @BYUfan Less prone 2 vote for something because it is more fair (esp if it would hurt their cand) or because it will get them home faster. #
  • @BYUfan Maybe 2016 county convention, or even in the committee drafting the proposed rules before things even start. #
  • @BYUfan Best time for that kind of rule change actually before precinct caucuses, so nobody knows yet where their candidate will stand. #
  • @BYUfan But not sure how early the convention rule making process starts. #
  • @BYUfan Hmm. Interesting. So such a change would have to be made at state level not county in WA? County conv can't override state rules? #
  • @BYUfan Of course could also push to switch from caucus to primary. Talking future years obviously. #
  • Reading – Americans Elect and the Electoral College (Josh Putnam) #
  • RT @neiltyson: Yup. If pasta & antipasta ever touch, they annihilate. For your safety, that's why restaurants never serve them together. #

@abulsme Updates from 2012-04-01 (UTC)

  • @okwichu Good! They are still counting ours. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • I voted Open Convention Slate. Based on speeches: 21 Paul, 15 Santorum, 1 Romney, 1 Gingrich. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • The Romney was the guy now kicked off slate if there are more rounds. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • This has now been going eight hours. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Romney and Santorum delegates have had meetings in hall. The Paul delegates have not yet. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Someone just said that 2nd largest LD in county is now on 3rd ballot. We are the largest, still waiting on our 1st. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • If the Romney people are disciplined they would all vote for each other and we would be done after one ballot. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • That would result in 100% Romney delegates to the next level. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Would actually require a few undecideds from the first level to vote Romney slate. But that should be easy, right? #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Getting tired. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Make that: I voted Open Convention Slate: 21 Paul, 15 Santorum, 1 Romney, 1 Gingrich, 1 undeclared. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Have results! #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • 6 candidates elected. 31 eliminated. 33 more spots to fill. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Voting for second ballot starting now. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • I was not eliminated yet. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • 2nd round voted slate except me first. (I was knocked off bottom of slate with only 33 left to vote for.) #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • That makes my 2nd ballot: 19 Paul, 13 Santorum, 1 Gingrich. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • While waiting for count on 2nd ballot doing some counting. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Of 152 who ran for next level based on speeches: #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • 65 Romney, 29 Paul, 25 Santorum, 23 No Speech, 7 Gingrich, 3 no preference stated. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • 6 delegates elected in 1st round all Romney. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Of the 31 ballot lines eliminated on the 1st round: #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • 19 did not give speeches, 5 had unnominated themselves before first vote, 4 were eliminated lines, 2 were Romney. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Lesson, if you want to go to next level, make a speech. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • 19 of 23 people who made no speech were eliminated in the first round. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Did I mention we are down to 297 people caucusing. Some people left and did not have alternates to replace them. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Under 50% batt again. Have laptop to plug into if I get low before it is done. Which I almost certainly will. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • In 2nd round cands still on ballot: 57 Romney, 29 Paul, 25 Santorum, 7 Gingrich, 4 no speech, 2 no stated pref. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • @Mark_Hombre 39. Six for Romney already chosen. 33 slots to vote for on 2nd ballot. Waiting for results now. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Likely result at end of this 39 Romney delegates. Just question of which people. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • The way rules work plus the near Romney majority will make it hard for others to squeeze in. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Depends on Romney dels discipline to stick with slate though. Only 6 on 1st ballot indicates discipline not tight. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • 2nd round 11 more del selected. 9 Romney, 1 Santorum, 1 Paul. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • I was eliminated. :-(. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • 54 eliminated. 22 to vote for in 3rd round. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Avuncular of people reported as elongated who had been elected or previously eliminated. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Ouch autocorrect! #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • A bunch of people who had already been eliminated or elected were reported as eliminated again. :-/. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Because some people voted for them again anyway. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Voted straight open convention slate for 3rd round. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • So my 22 votes were: 12 Paul, 9 Santorum, 1 Gingrich. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Waiting for 3rd ballot to be counted now. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Total dels so far: 15 Romney, 1 Santorum, 1 Paul. 22 left to select. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • @PPP4Paul. Romney max now 37 since 2 non-Romneys now elected. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • In 3rd round avail cands: 18 Paul, 17 Sant, 14 Romn, 6 Ging, 2 no speech, 1 no pref stated #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • On that 1 no pref, they may have said and I just missed hearing it. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Ron Paul people now meeting in hall. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Oh! They ordered food for the Paulites! Go Ron Paul! #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • I took water, cashews and a cookie. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Ah! Food from Republican Women's Group. Not Ron Paul. Food for everybody! #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Actually, max Romney may only be 29. Current 15 plus 14 Romney dels left on ballot. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Poor Romney team discipline. Lots of Romney's eliminated by spreading vote too thin. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Batt hit 20%. Now charging from computer. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • In 2nd round 53 eliminated. 33 Romney, 10 Paul, 2 no speech, 1 Gingrich, 1 no pref. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • 33 Romney dels eliminated shouldn't have happened if Romney team coordinated and disciplined. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • I've been here over 11 hours now. :-/. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Forgot Santo&NS: In 2nd round 55 eliminated. 33 Romney, 10 Paul, 8 Santo, 2 no speech, 2 NS, 1 Gingrich, 1 no pref. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Still waiting on results of 3rd ballot. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Unconfirmed report of shenanigans from guy sitting next to me. #
  • Unconfirmed report of shenanigans from guy sitting next to me. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • He says in other LDs Romney people "infiltrated" Open Caucus Slate by misrepresenting as Paul supporters. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Then Non-Romney supporters voted them in because they were on the slate. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • I have no way to confirm or deny. Have my doubts. Just reporting the rumor. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • 3rd ballot results! #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • In 3rd round 8 more del elected. 30 eliminated. 28 cand left for 14 spots. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Top 14 win now. 4th ballot is final ballot. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • On 4th went as far as I could on open comb slate. Then filled with Gingrich. Then Santo. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • So my 14 were: 6 Santo, 4 Ging, 4 Paul. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Last 28 cand: 9 Sant, 6 Rom, 6 Ging, 4 Paul, 2 no speech, 1 whose pref I didn't catch (or didn't say). #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • The chair said there were lots of spoiled ballots on the 3rd ballot. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • 8 new dels on 3rd ballot were: 7 Romney, 1 Gingrich. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Makes total so far: 22 Romney, 1 Santorum, 1 Gingrich, 1 Paul. 14 to go. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Motion to change rules to elect alternates with plurality, even though could lead to challenge. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Eliminated in 3rd round: 14 Paul, 8 Romney, 8 Santorum. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • @usernamenuse motion was made by a Ron Paul campaign coordinator. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Motion fails. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Asked someone else the pref of the 1 person I had left as no pref. he said he had him as a Romney. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • So actual left for 4th round of voting: 9 Santo, 7 Romney, 6 Ging, 4 Paul, 2 no speech. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Starting process of figuring out who wants to run for alternate while waiting for 4th ballot results. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • @usernamenuse Yup, not enough left on open conv slate to fill vote either. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • They just finished asking one by one everybody not elected so far if they want to run for alternate. I said yes. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Have results for 4th. Had for awhile but busy with alt stuff. Will report soon. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Voting alternates now. 39. Using slate except me first. :-) #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Was hard to find 39 for the alternate ballot. I was one of the last to turn in. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Final 14 dels were: 6 Santorum, 4 Gingrich, 3 Romney, 1 no speech. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • So total dels from LD 44 to state: 25 Romney, 7 Santorum, 5 Gingrich, 1 Paul, 1 no speech. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Now waiting for 1st round of alternate voting. There may be 2. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • My 39 votes for alt. First slate, then fill with non-Romneys. 21 Paul, 11 Santorum, 6 no speech, 1 Gingrich. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • @usernamenuse Thanks. Still not quite done though. :-) #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • The person I borrowed the pen from left without his pen. Thanks for the pen! #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Now been here more than 13 hours. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • And this after less than four hours sleep last night. Will collapse when I get home. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Anybody reading me for Repub convention stuff, check out for more election analysis stuff. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt results! #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Six of 39 alternates elected on first ballot. All Romney. Second ballot soon. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • 66 eligible for final ballot for alternate. 33 to vote for. Top 33 win. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Doing 2nd ballot for alternates now. I was not eliminated! #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Finished my voting. One of the last ones again. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • My 33 for 2nd alt ballot: 19 Paul, 9 Santorum, 5 no speech. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Voted slate except myself first. (I would have been on lost anyway.) #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Main convention adjourned for lack of quorum. So no votes on platform. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Waiting for results for alternates now. Most people have left. Just two or three dozen people left. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • @Mark_Hombre doing this once every four years a real chore. Fun, but primary so much easier! #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Past the 14 hour mark now. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • @Mark_Hombre 14 hours since gavel. Was here another 30 or 40 minutes before that getting signed in. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • We are NOT the last caucus! LD1 is still going too, and not as far along as us. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Results for final alts! #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • 9 ties though! Draw lots to resolve ties. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alternates are ordered. So ties have to be broken. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Results done! I will count the alternates shortly. Order matters. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • But caucus is done. Auditorium emptying. Will have to count in car or something. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Finding my way out of this high school campus. Fences everywhere. Like a maze. :-) #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Now where did I park? Alternate rundown once I get to my car. for more election stuff. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • At my car! Alt rundown momentarily. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • From 1st round of alternate selection Alternates 1-6 were Romney. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • From 2nd and final round of alternate selection: #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 7: Paul #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 8-10: Romney #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 11: Paul #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 12-13: No Speech #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 14: Santorum #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 15: Romney #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 16: Paul #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 17: Romney #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 18: Paul #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 19-21: Romney #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 22: Paul #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 23: Romney #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 24: Paul #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 25: No Speech #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 26-27: Santorum #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 28: No preference stated (or I missed it) #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 29-30: Paul #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 31-32: Romney #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 33-34: Paul #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 35: Romney #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 36: Paul #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 37: No Speech #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 38: Romney #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Alt 39: Paul #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • All preferences based on the candidate speeches. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • To end the suspense, I was not elected an Alternate to the state convention. Sniff. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Please check out for more election analysis… And other stuff! #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • And thus ends my Snohomish County Tepublican Convention live tweeting. About 16 hours after I started. #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • Goodnight. I am going home. To bed. :-) #wacaucus #snocorc #ld44 #
  • RT @cjoh: Playing the home version of the lottery. Got a whole bunch of dollar bills and I'm just setting them on fire. #
  • Reading – Romney Turns the Tables on Santorum/Paul at North Dakota Republican Convention (Josh Putnam) #
  • MT @BFriedmanDC: 2nd graders who listened to Bush read The Pet Goat on 9/11 will grad HS in May & be able to enlist to fight in Afghanistan. #
  • Reading – ND selects 25 national delegates (Matt, DCW) #