This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



April 2012

Electoral College: Things Start to Improve for Romney

Map and chart from the 2012 Electoral College Prediction page. Both assume Obama vs Romney with no third party strong enough to win states. Both show the polling situation as it currently exists. Things can and will change before election day. On the map Red is Romney, Blue is Obama, Gold States are too close to call. Lines on the chart represent how many more electoral votes a candidate would have than is needed to tie under several different scenarios. Up is good for Obama, Down is good for Romney.

As we have been saying for the last few updates, at some point the trend making things look better and better for Obama would come to an end. Today is that day. Two states change categories.

North Carolina: Only two days ago North Carolina moved from just barely Romney to just barely Obama in our five poll average. Well, a new poll there gets added today, and moves it back to just barely Romney. Easy come, easy go. In either case, it is really too close to call and counts as a swing state in our analysis.

Pennsylvania: The five poll average prior to today had Obama up by 5.6% in Pennsylvania. Today’s update drops Obama’s lead to 4.4% in the five poll average, which takes the state out of “Weak Obama” territory and back into too close to call swing state status. (5% leads can disappear overnight given the right events after all.)

The new summary becomes:

Romney Obama
Romney Best Case 289 249
Current Status 210 328
Obama Best Case 170 368

The “best cases” are when a candidate wins ALL the swing states, not just the ones they are ahead in. “Current Status” is if everybody wins the states they are even a tiny bit ahead in.

Romney can once again win outright in his best case, not just tie and win in the House of Representatives.

Trendwise though, these are the first moves in Romney’s direction in almost a month. (The last time was March 16th when Arizona moved from being a swing state to Weak Romney.) So the question of course is: Does that mean we have just passed Obama’s high water mark and Romney will continue gaining ground for awhile?

My expectation is that we’ll have a bit more movement in Romney’s direction over the next few months as the general election is joined in earnest. This is natural as Romney is finally able to start crafting his general election message and, yes, moving toward “the center” to appeal to swing voters and swing states. Prior to a few days ago, he has had to concentrate on trying to get votes from Republicans… which is a very different game.

We shall see soon enough I guess. :-)

Really Google+? My Little Pony?

@abulsme Updates from 2012-04-12 (UTC)

  • Reading – The Government’s Case Against Apple And E-Book Publishers (Carl Franzen) #
  • Reading – Hailing Frequencies Open? Communication Via Neutrinos Tested Successfully (Nancy Atkinson) #
  • Reading – PM: Turkey may invoke NATO’s Article 5 over Syrian border fire (Ekrem Dumanli) #
  • Reading – Gingrich Unloads on Fox News in Private Meeting (Scott Conroy) #
  • MT @StudioXNYC: 4square rep says "Privacy is a modern invention" as if ends debate on ethics. Someone in audience yells "So is sanitation!" #
  • Reading – Hi Roger. It's Me, Joe: The Fox Mole (Joe Muto) #

Electoral College: North Carolina Leans Toward Obama

Map and chart from the 2012 Electoral College Prediction page. Both assume Obama vs Romney with no third party strong enough to win states. Both show the polling situation as it currently exists. Things can and will change before election day. On the map Red is Romney, Blue is Obama, Gold States are too close to call. Lines on the chart represent how many more electoral votes a candidate would have than is needed to tie under several different scenarios. Up is good for Obama, Down is good for Romney.

The latest polls move my five poll average in North Carolina from barely Romney to barely Obama. The reality is that the margin is still essentially too close to call (Obama ahead by 0.2%). North Carolina is firmly a swing state at the moment. So this doesn’t change the range of possibilities between Obama getting all swing states and Romney getting all swing states… but it does move our “everybody gets the states they are ahead in” line further toward Obama. In this case, we have Obama now winning 343 to 195.

This is the third change in three days in Obama’s favor.

The summary:

Romney Obama
Romney Best Case 269 269
Current Status 195 343
Obama Best Case 170 368

Edited 2012 Apr 12 21:24 UTC to replace an errant “McCain” with the intended “Romney”. Thanks JH for pointing out the error.

@abulsme Updates from 2012-04-11 (UTC)

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Talking to Myself

In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner Sam talks about:

  • Car GPSes
  • Goodbye Santorum
  • General Election 2012
  • Interpreting Election Coverage

Just click to listen now:

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Electoral College: Colorado Goes Blue – Romney’s Best Case Now A TIE!

Map and chart from the 2012 Electoral College Prediction page. Both assume Obama vs Romney with no third party strong enough to win states. Both show the polling situation as it currently exists. Things can and will change before election day. On the map Red is Romney, Blue is Obama, Gold States are too close to call. Lines on the chart represent how many more electoral votes a candidate would have than is needed to tie under several different scenarios. Up is good for Obama, Down is good for Romney.

Just yesterday I was mentioning that at some point things have to stop getting worse for Romney. Yesterday was not that day. Neither is today. Today my poll average for Colorado sees Obama’s lead increase to over 5%. So I color the state light blue and take it out of swing state status.

So, if we give Romney every single one of the remaining swing states… we end up with a 269 to 269 electoral vote tie. In all fairness, ties go to the House and almost certainly that would lead to a Romney win. So Romney can still pull out that very messy win.

But this means that with current polling Romney would not be able to manage a direct win in the electoral college, even in the most favorable disposition of the swing states. That is a remarkably bad position to be in, even this early.

The overall summary looks like this:

Romney Obama
Romney Best Case 269 269
Current Status 210 328
Obama Best Case 170 368

Given that, lets compare to four years ago…

On April 11th 2008 if each candidate won every state where they were ahead, McCain would have beaten Obama 283 to 255. He would have won by 28 electoral votes. That is a tight victory in electoral college terms but it is a victory.

Meanwhile, today, if each candidate won every states where they are ahead, Obama would beat Romney 328 to 210. That is a 118 electoral vote margin.

Romney is in a much worse position now than McCain was in four years ago. Of course McCain ended up losing by a pretty substantial margin. So should we all just go home? Obama is going to win, so why bother even having a campaign? No. Not hardly. If we were seeing these numbers in October… then maybe, like I did on October 3rd 2008 when McCain’s best case got this bad, I’d say exactly that. But it is not October. It is April.

Despite McCain’s small lead at this time four years ago the actual election ended up being Obama 365 McCain 173… a 192 electoral vote margin for Obama. So big swings can happen. In 2008 between April 11th and election day 110 electoral votes moved in Obama’s direction. If Romney’s campaign manages to move a similar 110 electoral votes his way… he would win easily.

So even though Obama is way ahead based on today’s polling, the battle has just barely begun. There is a lot more to come.

As our recently departed Senator Santorum would say, “Game On!”

@abulsme Updates from 2012-04-10 (UTC)

  • Reading – ‘Anonymous’ Launches Boycott Over Netflix PAC (Carl Franzen) #
  • Reading – The Lumia 900 And The Trouble With Competing With Free (Matthew Yglesias) #

Santorum Out!

@BreakingNews says Santorum has decided to drop out! It will be interesting to see if he hangs on to his delegates or releases them (those that ate bound anyway, many are not officially bound) and where those delegates end up.

In the end though, this just ratifies the already known result. It is Romney. It has always been Romney.

Update 18:31 UTC: Suspending his campaign, not dropping out. This is the usual course for candidates at this stage. Means they keep their bound delegates (although unbound can of course change their minds and vote for whoever they want) and are able to keep fundraising and such to pay off debts, etc.

Electoral College: Michigan goes Dark Blue

Map and chart from the 2012 Electoral College Prediction page. Both assume Obama vs Romney with no third party strong enough to win states. On the Map Red is Romney, Blue is Obama, Gold States are too close to call. Lines on the chart represent how many more electoral votes a candidate has than is needed to tie under several different scenarios. Up is good for Obama, Down is good for Romney.

At some point things have to stop getting worse for Romney, right? As he pivots from the primaries to the general election, he’ll start pulling back support from the middle and start gaining ground again, right? Well, probably. But not yet. In today’s update the 5 poll average for Michigan moves to Obama having more than a 10% lead in that state. So we color the state dark blue. Essentially this means it is a state Romney probably shouldn’t bother putting any resources into at all. The situation may change later, but for the moment, it is out of reach.

Since Michigan isn’t moving in or out of Swing State status, the overall summary remains the same with Obama clearly the favorite by a large margin, but Romney still being able to squeak by with a win if he manages to sweep all of the too close to call swing states:

Romney Obama
Romney Best Case 278 260
Current Status 210 328
Obama Best Case 170 368

One thing to keep in mind at this stage is that state polling is still sparse. So the “five poll averages” I use for this analysis can cover a lot of time. For instance, in Michigan my five poll average currently has polls that were done all the way back through January. (Specifically it includes one from January, two from February, one from March and one from April.)

There are still just a handful of state polls per week. Some states actually haven’t even been polled at all and I’m extrapolating based on the 2004 and 2008 elections. I’m also doing a straight average, not a recency weighted average. Because of this, this analysis will react more slowly to changes in the political situation.

At least that is the situation here in April. As we get closer and closer to November, we’ll have a faster and faster pace of polls. By the time we get to October we will have many new state polls every week, and changes in this analysis will be much more frequent and catch changes faster.

Edit 2012 May 30 15:49 UTC: It turns out that between the last update on Mar 30 and this one New Hampshire should have moved from Weak Romney to Lean Romney on Mar 31. At that time however, I was missing some polls and thought New Hampshire was already Lean Romney, so no update was posted. This is corrected in the historical charts starting on May 30.