- Reading – Is Iran Already Under Attack? (Jeffrey Goldberg,The Atlantic) http://t.co/qj4qozyx #
- MT @steven_moffat: …any Doctor Who movie would be made by the BBC… star the current TV Doctor and certainly NOT be a Hollywood reboot. #
- Reading – Why Occupy? (Alexis Madrigal, The Atlantic) http://t.co/eXZiguE2 #
- Reading – Gary Johnson eyes Libertarians, who eye Ventura (Reid J. Epstein, Politico) http://t.co/q62ShGZJ #
- MT “@ggreenwald: I wonder how the power to secretly order US citizens assassinated w/o due process… would look on Newt…” #
- Reading – Group calls for Bush arrest (Byron Tau, Politico) http://t.co/3u9AqXCl #
- WOW. “@fivethirtyeight: Was inferring… Newt might be ~10% ahead of Romney… But he's 21%(!) ahead in new poll. http://t.co/mcwDL7p0” #
- Reading – The Spyfiles (WikiLeaks) http://t.co/9NiP9Vi7 #