Taken 2010 Sep 10 22:55 UTC
In the latest Curmudgeon’s Corner…
Sam and Ivan (and Alex) talk about:
Just click to listen now: [wpaudio url=”http://www.abulsme.com/CurmudgeonsCorner/CC20100906.mp3″ text=”Recorded 6 Sep 2010″] or |
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So it was my turn, and more specifically, for every other one of my turns, it is time for another movie from the 100 Years 100 Movies list. I’ve been working my way from #100 down to #1. So here we are at #49, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. This is a classic and all. First full length animated feature. One of the earliest major pictures in color. Etc, etc. If I had seen this movie before, it would have been when my age was in single digits. I certainly did not remember it, other than some of the iconic clips I’m sure I’ve seen over and over again. Anyway… NOTHING HAPPENS. This is almost a 2001 like experience, but with songs. If you put together the parts of this movie were something was actually happening, it would be something like 10 minutes long. In between you just get LONG musical segments. Some of them really seem to go on forever. For me, especially the ones with Snow White herself singing. Something about her voice, well, I guess that would be Adriana Caselotti‘s voice, really grates on me. I like the “Heigh-Ho” song though. And I guess it is fun to watch them clean the house and all that. But this time it was me (rather than Amy) who got to the end of the movie and was saying “REALLY? THAT’S IT? REALLY?” Amy also pointed out a number of differences between this and the Grimm version. Earlier, when Snow White was about to eat the Apple, there was this exchange:
She really is incredibly stupid. Oh well. And shouldn’t it be “dwarves” anyway?
So we finally get to the movie Brandy wanted to watch on New Year’s Eve. Oops. A little slow there. But we got there eventually. It was of course 2010. This is of course a very different style of movie than 2001. As in, it actually has things like a plot and dialogue and such. Things actually happen. Now, that is not to say that at the end Amy didn’t still react with “WHAT? WHAT JUST HAPPENED?” Because of course it is still a little strange. What with the apparition of Bowman and all. Amy is creeped out by the space baby thing. It is one of those things where the movie is going along, typical sort of thing with spaceships and futuristic but realistic things happening, and then Bowman shows up, shifts ages every few seconds, then turns into a floating space baby. I can see why that would creep someone out. And then of course things happen to Jupiter that are not fully explained. So you get the “WHAT?” factor going. But it is a fun movie. I enjoy it. Worth making sure you see it while it is still 2010, just for the comparison of what the vision of technology was versus the reality of what it is. As far as I can tell, we are missing the manned missions to Jupiter with the spaceships with lots of glowing primary color buttons all over the place. Oh well! Perhaps by 2110? |