On October 26th 2004, I became, at least according to Google, the first one to use the word “antihypersyllabicsesquipedalian” on the web. That was this blog post where I talked about what the word meant and how I found out about it. Since then, as you can see on the chart above, usage of the word on the web (once again based on the number of Google search results) increased slowly from 2004 through 2009. But toward the end of 2009, a dramatic decline began. Now, I know that how Google reports the number of search results probably has a big effect on this, not just how often people are using the word. However, to combat this decline, more people have to use the word and use it more often. So, antihypersyllabicsesquipedalian… a person who hates long words… use it as often as you can!