Not quite back to the original rate, still significantly greater actually, but just as suddenly as the onslaught began, it has subsided. It would be nice if it returned to where it was before, but I’ll take what I can get for now.
That is a serious section of graphs that you have going on your dashboard! I have no idea what many of the abbreviations stood for…much less how you compile! Is it all automated?
It is basically some php scripts that use ChartDirector to make graphs out of simple text files with date value pairs. The ones that I could automate completely are… for instance things like how full my hard drive is, how much unanswered email I have, or how many search results there are on Google for various things. Others, like my weight or other things that aren’t easily computer accessible, I have a little web form that I fill out and submit, and it attaches the timestamp and adds the data point.
Fun stuff. I like graphs. I add more whenever I think of something new I want to track. Of course, the existing dashboard page has too much on it now. Things time out a lot. So I’ll probably end up rearranging it or splitting it up somehow soon.
That is a serious section of graphs that you have going on your dashboard! I have no idea what many of the abbreviations stood for…much less how you compile! Is it all automated?
It is basically some php scripts that use ChartDirector to make graphs out of simple text files with date value pairs. The ones that I could automate completely are… for instance things like how full my hard drive is, how much unanswered email I have, or how many search results there are on Google for various things. Others, like my weight or other things that aren’t easily computer accessible, I have a little web form that I fill out and submit, and it attaches the timestamp and adds the data point.
Fun stuff. I like graphs. I add more whenever I think of something new I want to track. Of course, the existing dashboard page has too much on it now. Things time out a lot. So I’ll probably end up rearranging it or splitting it up somehow soon.