This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



January 2009

All About the Deformed Ewok

(via Boing Boing)

The Tennessee Flip

This is just awesome.

(via Balloon Juice)

I wish things like this happened more on a national level.

(Yeah, I know, I’m a few days behind. And yes, the podcast will be out in a few hours.)

Very Very Late

Yes, I know, the podcast is very late, and I have posted almost nothing this week.

The podcast was recorded early on Monday (UTC), but my mom has been in town visiting, and while she was here she also decided to replace her five year old PowerBook with a new MacBook, so I spent a bunch of time getting that all set up. Normally that would be an easy Migration Assistant task, but there were a number of complications due to the fact that new MacBooks don’t have Firewire, her old computer was still on Panther, and her old computer’s hard drive was in bad shape with tons of disk errors… so it took a bit more work than it normally would.

Plus of course we’ve been going around seeing cousins who also live in the Seattle area and doing your normal sort of touristy stuff. Starting about 19 or 20 hours from now, I’ll be switching from visiting relative mode to taking a few days off to catch up on stuff at home mode, so I’ll get the podcast out shortly after that.

And then of course on the 20th I’ll be in 100% watching live news mode.

And then back to work on the 21st. :-)

Until the Dust Settles…

So Saturday I got a comment on one of my recent blog posts. It seemed to be completely unconnected to the post itself. Since I’d had a comment spammer I had to clean up within the last few days, my immediate thought was, oh no, not again… It said:

Not much on it yet, but it’s a start :) See page for explanation.

Thinking to myself, I don’t want any Viagra, I clicked on the link with fear. But I had no need of fear, it was a good thing:

Our First Trip
(brightviolet, Until the Dust Settles, 9 Jan 2009)

For some time, we had toyed with the idea of randomly choosing a trip destination by throwing a dart at a dartboard. However, our lack of a dartboard (or darts) had stopped us from doing so, until recently. As we sat in our friends’ house in Florida over the Christmas break, I decided to google “random vacation generator”. That search led me to a forum where people were discussing precisely that idea. One person added that he had created a “Spot Tool”, and had in fact taken a number of trips using this method already. (See the link to the left)

Sam Minter’s tool seems to allow for setting parameters, but as we could not figure out how to do this, we just gave it a shot. Unfortunately, as I’m sure you’re aware, the world consists of a loooot of water. A few failed hits later, we hit a location. A tiny island in the middle of nowhere, that was apparently U.S. territory, but uninhabited by anyone but birds. Okay, obviously not a possibility!

This made us realize that we needed to set some limits for each trip, and then we should keep trying until we found a location that met our parameters. Since we were looking at a spring break trip, with only 9 days off, and of course limited resources, we decided on the following:

Perfect: The first three locations that met our criteria were all within range of each other, and allowed us to plan out a perfect trip for 9 days. This trip will go as follows:

We will leave in March of 2009, so check back for updates!

I remain saddened that various factors have continued to push my own next random vacation to Chacchoben, Quintana Roo, Mexico into the far future. But it seems someone else is taking up the mantle! So thank you to BrightViolet… and I’ll be watching for your updates!

Three Years in the Jungle

Just under 7 hours ago, at 10:56:18 UTC, it was exactly three years since the moment I walked into my current employer as an employee for the first time. Wow. The time does go by pretty quickly. It has been a good three years. I’m looking forward to the next three.

Mom Visit Pending

In less than 12 hours, my mom arrives for a visit of approximately 5 days and 18 hours. So I am now on vacation. Today is getting the house ready for a visitor, then there is the actual visit from my mom, then I’ll take a few extra days off to catch up on random things around home, and to watch the festivities on the 20th. And then back to work after that.

Officialized by Darth Cheney

Oh, and the actual official bit on video:

(via Think Progress)


I had work and stuff, so of course I’m many hours late on this, but the election is finally official:

It’s Official!
(BarbinMD, Daily Kos, 8 Jan 2009)

In a just completed joint session of Congress, the electoral votes from the November 4th election have been tallied, and Obama has been formally declared the winner. As expected, Obama received 365 votes, while John McCain received 173 votes.

Sleeping the Night Away

Thanks in large part to a conversation with someone at work (thanks petts@!) a few months ago, tonight I’m about to leave to go do one of these tests. It should be fun and exciting I imagine. Yum!

(They are checking for sleep apnea and such as possible causes for snoring and non-restful sleep.)

Burris In

Looks like Burris is being seated.

This is the right result. And while (as I said in the podcast) I’ve heard arguments on both sides, I was most convinced by the ones saying that if the senate didn’t seat Burris, and Burris took it to court, Burris would probably win.

Whatever Blago did, he is still Governor. The legislature could have impeached or scheduled a special election, but they did not. He was within his full rights to appoint someone.

I still think though that he should have been a real dick about it and appointed either himself, Fitzgerald, or some random homeless guy.