(Using Obamafy found via Andrew Sullivan)
(Using Obamafy found via Andrew Sullivan) So, as expected, Chambliss wins the Senate in Georgia. This is very good news. It means no matter what happens in Minnesota, the Democrats will NOT get 60 votes in the Senate, and therefore will still be subject to Republican filibusters. For the Democrats to pass anything, they will always need to convince at least one Republican that it is a good idea. Now, would it be better if they needed to convince MORE Republicans than one? Yes. But at least this is something. I of course supported Obama for President, but the worst possible outcome would be for one party to have the unfettered ability to implement its agenda without requiring at least SOME deference to the opinions and ideas of the “other side”. As I’ve stated before a number of times, my preferred combination would actually be a Democratic President with a fully Republican Congress. At least in my recent memory that combination has tended to yield the results I like the best. Basically, I want a situation where it is hard to get things done, and you NEED some level of bipartisan support and a good degree of compromise. Of course, even in those situations I tend to actually be MOST scared of some of the things that get through with near unanimous support. Whenever that happens, you KNOW something is wrong and it would be better if it wasn’t happening. Anyway… one senator will probably not be all that hard to find most of the time… So this probably isn’t TOO large of a brake on things… but it is something. We’ll see how it works out. But I’m glad the Dems won’t have 60. I always make sure to never buy ANY Christmas presents before December. It is now December 1st. A few seconds ago I made my first gift purchase of the season. On Amazon of course. There is no way in hell you will catch me in a physical store between now and Christmas unless I have absolutely no choice and can’t find what I want online. :-)
I had never heard of this movie. Almost immediately after it started though, I was reminded of the TV show Medium. It seemed to have a very similar vibe most of the time, although perhaps a bit darker than the TV show tends to be. We have a psychic who sees visions about a crime and helps the local police try to solve the crime, and in the process gets all tangled up with all of the people involved. There is suspense as we try to figure out who the killer is, and as the psychic is menaced by the various suspects. Oh, and Katie Holmes gets to be topless and giggle around a bit while being killed. Fun. Anyway, I think I liked it. It was suspenseful. It had a little mystery. (Although I guessed the killer pretty early on.) It had a few twists. It was worth the two hours and worth adding to your Netflix queue if you like this sort of movie. And it makes me wonder when new episodes of Medium start again. :-) |