This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



November 2008

Maybe CNN Stopped

CNN’s electoral map is not even on their front page any more. A bunch of others places called North Carolina for Obama yesterday. Several are saying that Nebraska 2 is too close to call after all. CNN has not reflected those changes yet. If CNN hasn’t moved at all by the time other places start calling Missouri, maybe I’ll start making changes on my charts based on non-CNN sources. Come on CNN, get with it!

All Hands 9

Getting close on North Carolina

Just heard MSNBC call it for Obama. Come on CNN…

I need to leave for work momentarily, so unless CNN decides in the next five minutes, I’ll need to wait to do any updates related to this until I get home again after work.

Obama Brings Inflation Already

Copies of yesterday’s New York Times are going for over $100 on EBay.

(As I write, the current bid on the auction about to expire is $102.50. That may of course change by the time you click through on the link.)

Is it bad that I want one?

Still Waiting on MO and NC

CNN still hasn’t called them, although I think I saw a couple of other places have. Meanwhile, CNN did call the Nebraska 2nd District, while some other places have not. I decided at the start to follow CNN’s calls for simplicity, so I will continue to stick with that and wait for CNN to call the remaining states.

Electoral College: Called – Indiana for Obama

This update reflects states that were called by CNN in the 15 minutes before 16:15 UTC.

A number of places called Indiana last night, but CNN just called it now, for Obama. This is the first state which has gone in a different direction than the “everybody gets their leans” numbers as of right before the polls closed. That average had McCain ahead by 3.4%. But Obama wins the state.

The range of possibilities left for the final electoral college count (absent faithless electors) is now very narrow:

McCain Best Case: Obama 349, McCain 189
Current “everybody gets their leans”: Obama 360, McCain 178
Obama Best Case: Obama 375, McCain 163

North Carolina and Missouri are still too close to call.

Back to Work…

I took Monday and Tuesday off, but I was planning to go in today unless the election was still in doubt. (I’d told folks there this in advance.) But, it is not in doubt, so even though there are three states outstanding, I’ll head into work momentarily. I have to take Amy to school, so I’ll be a little late to our all hands, but I’ll go.

I’ll try to periodically check CNN to note when they call the remaining three states, assuming it even happens today. But if any of you notice CNN calling Missouri, Indiana or North Carolina, can you drop me a quick line saying when you first saw which state? I was to be able to adjust my charts accordingly… Oh crap… Indiana just called for Obama.

Well, what I just said for Missouri and North Carolina.

Let me know if you see them flip, and I’ll update the charts to reflect the correct time of the change.

We were about to run out the door, but let me see if I can adjust Indiana real quick…

Iowa Was the Wrong Color

A reader pointed out overnight that Iowa was the wrong color. Apparently in my 04:45 update, my paint tool went astray. All the numbers were correct, but Iowa was the wrong color. It has been fixed now in the main page, and on the last post I made for the 08:15 UTC update last night. The incorrect maps still appear on the 04:45, 06:45 and 07:30 updates, but I have added a note about the error. Boy is my face (like Iowa was not) red. Anyway, fixed now, and thank you for the reader that pointed it out.

Still waiting for Missouri, Indiana and North Carolina. All are slow due to counting of provisional and absentee ballots and such, which are numerous enough to potentially change the outcome. I wish they would hurry though! I have other things to do!

Oh, and here is the updated map with Iowa fixed:


It is 10:00 UTC. Ten hours after the first states got called. We are still waiting for three. Don’t know why they are taking so long, but I think I need to try to nap at least a little bit. Just watch though, 10 minutes after I decide to put my head on a pillow, they’ll start calling states again, and that would annoy me. I’ll try to check on the status of those three states periodically while I sleep, but I’m not sure how well that will work.

In the mean time, I’ll leave you with this:

Three Out Of Three

Just need to say, I called three out of three back on January 3rd on the eve of the Iowa caucuses. Got the Republican nominee. Got the Democratic nominee. Got the General Election winner.

And I think my reasons for calling each of the three were pretty spot on with what actually happened too.

And I didn’t remember this until I looked at it again just now, but I called Biden as Obama’s VP as well.

Go me!