I actually took a few hours to sleep, so I’m a couple hours late posting these changes, but with some new Zogby polls, we have two states changing status:
Pennsylvania (21 ev): Obama’s lead in Pennsylvania once again hits 10%. McCain’s managed to pull Obama’s lead down from 14.1% to 5.4%… but then it stalled and Obama’s lead started growing again. As of now with the new Zogby poll added to the five poll average, Obama’s lead is exactly at the 10.0% mark, but that is enough for the state to move back into “Strong Obama” territory.
Virginia (13 ev): McCain had also reduced Obama’s lead in Virginia, making it poke below the 5% line. But with the new Zogby poll, it pushes again above 5%, making the state move back to “Weak Obama”. Virginia is once again NOT a swing state, and is not included in McCain’s best case scenario. It is still however included in the “SuperBest” scenario I added for election day.
New Summary:
McCain SuperBest: McCain 296, Obama 242
McCain Best Case: Obama 291, McCain 247
Current “everybody gets their leans”: Obama 349, McCain 189
Obama Best Case: Obama 406, McCain 132
Obama SuperBest: Obama 411, McCain 127
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