This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



December 2007


Just a quick thought about the effort going on to change the way California selects electors. First of all, fundamentally I have no problem with the notion itself. States should be able to select electors any way they see fit. Winner take all, proportional to an election, or even with methods that don’t involve elections at all where the electors are selected directly by the legislature.

My radical proposal? Much like jury duty, select electors completely at random from the entire adult citizen population of the state. Unlike jury duty, excuse people from it ONLY for physical or mental inability to participate. It would be absolutely compulsory. Do the choosing only 48 hours before the electoral college votes, with absolutely no vetting in terms of who the newly chosen electors support. Make lobbying the electors on behalf your candidate illegal. An exception would be the electors themselves. The electors would be able to talk amongst themselves and lobby each other for the 48 hours before they have to vote. Sequester them at the moment they are chosen, deliver them to the state house to perform their vote, and then see what kind of results you get.

I imagine it would be a very interesting way of doing things. :-)

But in any case… if changes are made, although there may or may not be anything already enshrined in law to prevent it… I think any changes to how electors are selected by the states should be made one full election cycle in advance, so that all potential candidates can make their plans knowing the state of affairs for the full four year campaign cycle. That is only fair.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Sam’s Super Short Sick Show

Sam talks about:

  • Being Sick Sucks
  • Iowa Iowa Iowa
  • Republican Field
  • Democratic Field
  • Chances for Fun
  • Being Sick Sucks Redux
  • Kasparov’s Transformation
  • The Rain

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312.1 K

Fever maxed out Saturday morning at 312.1 K (for the Kelvin impaired, that is 102.1 °F or 38.9 °C). It has been dropping since then and at the moment I’m actually below normal. Which is good I guess. The infection isn’t gone though. I am still in a bit of discomfort. But things are definitely better that a day ago I guess. Hopefully this will all work itself out by Monday.

White Fluffies

OK, so you can’t tell from the horrible cell phone picture, but it is snowing heavily right now. Some of it is even sticking and accumulating a bit.

But it is supposed to change to rain later and wash it all away.

311.0 K

Suddenly at about 22 UTC yesterday I started rapidly feeling unwell. Standard UTI/Stones symptoms for me. I had just recently (within the last few days) been fully back to normal after the last round at the end of October. Grrr. Not happy about this.

I had someone fill in for me at a meeting I had at 23 UTC and headed home a bit early.

Now, about 5 hours later, I have a fever of 311.0 K. It has been rising over the past few hours. I took some Rx pain killers and some fever meds, but I am still a decent bit uncomfortable. And I’m doing what I have been told and drinking a LOT, so staying within arms reach of the facilities is of course mandatory.

Lovely. Just lovely.

On the bright side, it is supposed to snow here today… for a little bit before it turns into rain.

I am eating a hamburger and fries Brandy made now. Then I am hoping the pain killers kick in fully soon and knock me out for the night and everything feels better in the morning. That would be nice.