This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon




Don’t you hate it when you spill coffee on your keyboard and a bunch of the keys get all sticky and hard to push?

Don’t you hate it more when you do that to two separate keyboards within the space of a week?

Yeah, that sucks.

This Year’s Pic

That Didn’t Take Long

OK, now I want one again.

Third Party Apps ported to iPhone 1.1.1
(Erica Sadun, TUAW)

This morning, we were having a lot of trouble getting third-party iPhone apps to show up properly and run on the home screen. Despite the fact that Apple has added extra protections to SpringBoard and created a list of approved identifiers, iPhone hacker asap18 has managed to port several applications to the iPhone and gotten them to appear properly on the home screen. For now, only 15 icons can be added this way–the last spot appears to be reserved for iTunes. The apps have been tested and are working fine.

I’ll still wait until next year though. :-)

DVD: Wait Until Dark

It was Brandy’s turn yet again to choose a DVD this weekend. This time her movie was “Wait Until Dark” a 1967 Audrey Hepburn movie. I’d seen this once before on television a number of years ago and had enjoyed it then. It is a little less suspenseful on second viewing, even years later. But it is still a good movie.

Brandy kept laughing at the overacting that is typical of a lot of movies of that era. But I didn’t mind too much. It was interesting to see Audrey Hepburn in a role a bit different than what she played in many of her earlier movies. And the gimmick of the last 15 minutes or so of the movie is pretty cool, although it must have been much cooler when it was originally done in a darkened theater and all.

In any case, good suspenseful movie and such. But I think like many movies that rely on suspense and you not quite fully knowing the situation, it is best on the first viewing, and loses something on repeat views.

Curmudgeon’s Corner: Blackberries, iPhones and Tivos, Oh My!

Sam and Ivan Talk about:

  • Third Party Blackberry Apps
  • The state of the iPhone
  • Minneapolis file sharing case
  • Recoding Industry Business Models
  • DirecTV and Tivo
  • Cable Company Quality
  • Why video quality doesn’t matter to Sam

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Building Wedge

20 Debates

As of a few minutes ago I am completely caught up on watching all of the presidential debates of this election season so far. The first debate was on April 26th. The most recent was on September 27th. In that time there have been 13 Democratic debates and 7 Republican debates. And I have watched them all. (Even the one in Spanish where I couldn’t understand very much, but I still watched the whole thing!)

6 more Democratic debates and 8 more Republican debates to go. (Assuming the current schedule holds.) Whew. That is a bunch.

I must say, they do get a bit repetitive. But there are usually a couple good moments in each one.

At the moment, if I had to pick a Democrat I think it would be Joe Biden. If I had to pick a Republican it would be Ron Paul. Of the whole field Ron Paul is still my #1 choice. I just mailed in my voter registration a couple of days ago. In Washington you don’t need to declare a party, but if nothing changes between now and then I’ll vote in the Republican primary so I can vote for Ron Paul. It will be my first time ever voting in a Primary. (Generally I’ve considered that I am not a Republican or Democrat and therefore it is none of my business who the parties nominate, and that my decision comes in the general election, but I’ll make an exception for Mr. Paul.)

Of course, by the time we get to the Washington Primary (February 19th) the nominations in both parties may well both be wrapped up. 32 states will have already had their primaries or caucuses, including most of the big ones. But it isn’t like Ron is going to win anyway. (Although he has been showing an upward trend in polls in the early states and may even manage to squeak out a double digit showing in some of the primaries before all is said and done… we shall see.)

I’m still hoping though that the strategy of front loading all the primaries to get an early winner backfires if there are several strong contenders who manage to make it through all the early states, bringing us out of super-duper Tuesday (February 5th) without a clear winner in one or both parties. That would be awesome fun.

I really want to see a candidate actually decided by the conventions sometime. That hasn’t happened since 1976 (when I was five years old), but I think it really is time for it to happen again.

If we get a 3rd or 4th party candidate who is semi-competitive on top of that it would just make my 2008. We shall see. :-)

Oh well. Next debate is Wednesday at 01:00 UTC on MSNBC. Republicans this time. Time to check that the Tivo has it scheduled.

Snakes and Anchor

From the 19th

Nothing Much

I’m having trouble thinking what I should say tonight. Work is busy of late. Lots going on. At home we had a breakfast for parents of 7th graders at the school this morning. Brandy is frustrated with how they have been doing a few things lately. As I speak we’re all in our separate parts of the house doing our things. It is a quiet night so far. And there we are.