This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



AbulWiki Down

On Wednesday something screwed up my mysql database that I have AbulWiki on. I didn’t notice until this morning though. By that time my daily backups had run twice, so I didn’t have a last good version. To say the least, I freaked out a little bit.

I’ve spent the last couple hours on it and I was able to start up mysql in a safe mode and do a data dump and I don’t think I’ve lost any data after all. Which is good. Very good. I also found a data dump I’d done ten days ago in another place. Also good. But what is bad is that I still can’t get mysql to start except in the read only safe mode. Which means I can’t make the wiki actually run of course.

According to the errors in the logs, the issue is a corruption in one of the InnoDB tables. The start up in innodb_force_recovery mode lets me do a mysqldump and get everything. And it looks like there is no actual data loss. But then it looks like the next step is supposed to be to drop the tables that are causing errors on start up, and then restore from your backup. But whenever I try to drop tables, mysql crashes and restarts and the tables are still there.

After running in circles, I’m starting to think I just want to wipe out mysql and reinstall from scratch, then restore my (hopefully) good dumps. The mysql dump I just did in safe mode is refusing to be read by MySQL Administrator due to character set issues. Hmmm…. The one from 10 days ago can be read. As can a backup I did using the Admin tool instead of doing mysqldump on the command line. Actually, both of those were done with the Admin tool rather than mysqldump. Sigh. In either case though, I can’t do jack until I can get mysql to start in regular mode rather than innodb_force_recovery mode.

And I am late to work. I need to go do work stuff now rather than bang my head on this.

But it seems clear what I’ll be doing tonight when I get home.

Fighting with mysql and hoping that these data dumps I’ve done are really usable and I haven’t lost anything (or at least not much). Looking at the mysqldump ones (which are human readable even if the GUI restore tool isn’t happy with them) they look OK, but…



Not happy Sam this morning.

Gotta go to work.


There is a wind storm tonight in Seattle. The news was all about how they were going to close the bridges over Lake Washington because of the high winds. They were also talking about power outages.

Brandy was in a gas station earlier and overheard some Department of Transportation folks talking about how they were likely to do it “soon”. So I left work a little early so I’d be on the right side of the lake if that happened.

Traffic sucked a little more than usual heading home, but the bridge was open, and I got home, then worked from home for a bit.

The winds are dying down now. We didn’t lose power. And I don’t think they ever ended up actually closing the bridges.

Oh well.

Green Circle

Somebody got the Message

Guess they had generated enough bad press they decided a change in direction was in order.

Third Party Applications on the iPhone
(Steve Jobs, Apple Hot News)

Let me just say it: We want native third party applications on the iPhone, and we plan to have an SDK in developers’ hands in February. We are excited about creating a vibrant third party developer community around the iPhone and enabling hundreds of new applications for our users. With our revolutionary multi-touch interface, powerful hardware and advanced software architecture, we believe we have created the best mobile platform ever for developers.

It will take until February to release an SDK because we’re trying to do two diametrically opposed things at once—provide an advanced and open platform to developers while at the same time protect iPhone users from viruses, malware, privacy attacks, etc. This is no easy task.

(via TUAW)

They Just Find Us

As we were driving home from an event at Amy’s school and approaching home Amy suddenly yelled “Dog!”. There was a dog darting around on the street near the local grocery store. We hadn’t seen it yet, only Amy had. But we stopped and Amy jumped out of the car. A few minutes later she had caught the loose dog (who was quite friendly). It had a tag. It was named “Nicky”. The tag had phone numbers. But all of our cell phones were dead. (Yeah, we need to be better at plugging them in to charge.) So Brandy called from a cell phone, but only got voice mail.

So Nicky came home for a little bit. Roscoe stayed down stairs and was not happy about this development at all. Almost as soon as we got the phones plugged in, the owner called us. A few minutes later they met us at the corner near our house and took Nicky back. Appearantly Nicky had wandered a little further from home than usual, but they often just let Nicky out to just wander around the neighborhood on his own. I’m not sure that is all that wise ever, let alone for a black dog at night who apperantly doesn’t mind running back and forth across streets with a decent amount of traffic.

But in any case, at least this time Nicky is home safe.

And we only had an extra dog for a few minutes.

Paul Rising (To #6)

Charts: Swapping Gingrich for Paul
(Mark Blumenthal,

While it may have gone unnoticed by all but our most devoted readers, we made a small change earlier today to the charts that display results for Republican presidential candidates nationally and in each of the early primary states: We dropped the trend line for Newt Gingrich and added a trend line for Ron Paul.

Newt Gingrich has finally made it clear he will not be a candidate, and so the many pollsters that had included his name on trial heats will now stop. Meanwhile, Ron Paul’s support in New Hampshire now increased to 3.8% on our trend estimate, within a whisper of Mike Huckabee (at 4.2%).

I noticed yesterday when I checked the charts shortly after getting up in the morning. I have been checking the detail charts that show all of the candidates individually to keep up with Ron Paul. This will be much more convenient.

Ron Paul trends of note at the moment in the early states:

  • Nationally, pretty flat.
  • Rising rapidly in Iowa, but he’d still have to almost double his support to overcome McCain for 5th… or McCain just has to keep falling
  • Rising slowly in New Hampshire and Michigan, but neck in neck for 5th place with Huckabee in both
  • South Carolina, Florida: rising slowly, but has a little way to go to catch #5
  • Nevada, California, New York: Nowhere

OK, now we all know Ron Paul isn’t going to suddenly rise up and be an actual contender for the nomination. But his trends in most of the early states are upward, in some cases fairly rapidly upward. If he starts breaking the 5% mark in a bunch of these states, he is going to be a major pain in the ass for the 4 or five candidates above him in the polls.

Cumudgeon’s Corner: We Didn’t Notice It Was #20

Sam and Ivan talk about:

  • The Record Industry, Madonna and Radiohead
  • Al Gore and the Nobel Peace Prize
  • Global Warming
  • Options in Iraq

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That’s Some Coffee

Most mornings when I get to work one of the first things I do is stop at the little coffee shop thing on the first floor for a 20oz White Chocolate Mocha. Today was not an exception. I usually pay by scanning my id card, which just automatically deducts the amount from my next paycheck.

Today as I was about to scan the card, the woman who makes the coffee put her hand out and stopped me as an alarmed noise came out of her mouth. I looked up. She had rung up my coffee and the amount had come up as $18344.20.

I am glad she stopped me from having that automatically deducted from my pay in exchange for a coffee. That would have been a slightly expensive drink.

She fixed it, I scanned my card, took my coffee and went on my way. And now it is time for work.