This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



CC Delayed Again

Curmudgeon’s Corner was indeed recorded Sunday morning, but after that, I did my Leopard upgrade, and as is typical with my luck, it did not go as smoothly as for some others. First I did one final backup of everything which took several hours. Then the installer detected a disk error after chugging away for a long long time (a couple of hours) while it was making sure my disk was ready to receive the update. That was followed by many hours of letting the computer chug and do disk repairs several times over again until it was finally happy. Then the install itself (which once it finally started worked pretty well). Then me figuring out that I needed to recreate my crons and that the upgraded apache kepts its prefs in a new place and a different way so I had to fight with that for awhile to get everything running again. And of course me playing with all the new stuff and adjusting settings and such. And then installing the various optional bits. Etc.

Anyway, it is now time for me to head to work, so getting the podcast out the door will have to wait until I get home from work. Sorry Ivan, and any others waiting for it. I’ll get it out tonight.