This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon




For the last 48 hours or so I’ve just felt bleh. I can’t identify it as a specific “sick” sort of thing, I don’t have cold or flu symptoms or anything, but it’s been the low energy, off and on headaches, heavy feeling head, random aches pains and discomfort, and the occasional dizziness or tingly feeling in the face sort of thing. I’ve been functional, but barely, most of the time feeling like I’d rather be lying down.

I don’t know what this is, but I want it to go away.

Duck and Bug

Curmudgeon’s Corner: It is all Just a Confidence Game

Another week another podcast. This week Ivan and I talk about:

* Recent Economic Events
* Economic Confidence
* Presidential Debates
* Obama and Debates
* The Appeal of Hillary
* Hurricane Dean
* Oil Prices Dropping

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1-Click Subscribe in iTunes

Week of Cronus

For the last week (12 Aug 2007 to 18 Aug 2007) I decided to do some spot sampling of my computer activity at home.

On Cronus I had this exciting line (or earlier variants of it, I tinkered a bit) in my cron:

0 * * * * sleep `perl -e ‘print int(rand 3600)’`;/usr/sbin/screencapture -Sx /tmp/screensnap.jpg; /sw/bin/mutt -a /tmp/screensnap.jpg -s “Cronus Hourly Screenshot” < /dev/null; cp /Users/abulsme/Documents/screenoff.jpg /tmp/screensnap.jpg The end result, an hourly “sample” of my screen, but at a random time so that it wouldn’t be predictable and I wouldn’t change my actions knowing when it was going to take a screenshot. I actually set this up as a test for something else I wanted to do, but then decided to let it run a week and see what I would find. The results would of course not be the same as if I’d looked on a less granular time scale, but it is still interesting. All of the below is based on which application was the active application at the time of the screenshot. Lets see some of the things I found: Overall… * 55.4% – Cronus’ Screen Asleep
* 29.8% – Sam using Cronus
* 9.5% – Cronus’ Screensaver On
* 3.0% – Cronus Crashed
* 2.4% – Amy using Cronus

Now, of the time I was the user and the screen wasn’t asleep or screen saving and it wasn’t crashed, the top 5 items were:

* 36.0% – Mail
* 20.0% – Safari
* 10.0% – iTunes
* 6.0% – Finder
* 6.0% – Excel

Leaving 22.0% of the time on various other apps.

Interesting, eh?

OK, time to turn the screenshots off. For now anyway.

Internal Clock

Oh wow, I’m going to be way off filter now. Yesterday I stayed up until about 13 UTC. Normal bedtime is more like 6 or 7. Then I woke up again about 17. I was up until around 19. Then back asleep again until I finally got up around 1 today.

That’s about 10 hours of sleep total, so I’m not short on sleep or anything. But I finally got up for good, oh, 11 hours after the time I generally need to be getting up on weekdays to get to work when I want to be getting there.

My sleep cycle is just going to be so wonked out.

Jet lag without the actual travel. Should be fun!

Trying Feeds Again

Every once in awhile, probably once or twice a year, I decide to give a shot at doing my daily website reading via some sort of RSS feed reading system rather than going to the actual websites themselves. It seems like a great idea, and one that would add huge amounts of efficiency.

Every time I’ve done it though, I’ve ended up only doing it for a few days, then giving up. What has happened in the past that stopped me? Well, lets see…

#1) I would subscribe to just too much crap, and end up overwhlemed and unable to keep up. When I go to the websites by hand, I of course miss even more, because I forget to go certain places, etc, etc. And I don’t care. But when I have a feed, and a little number showing how many items I have, I suddenly start caring more.

#2) I get frustrated by feeds which constantly are pushing out stuff I’ve seen before. Either because there are updates, or it is just glitchy, or whatever. When I see something again that I saw before, I get all frustrated. Of course, this also happens going to the websites, just in a different way.

#3) I always end up like I am missing context from the websites themselves. That somehow the rest of the site around the article I am looking for adds something that I just miss by just looking at a feed (and perhaps clicking through on some specific items). Of course, there are some sites where the design is just so awful I don’t go there any more even though I might like the content, so this might be a solution to that.

Anyway, I’m giving it a try again. This all started because I had decided to give Growl another shot on my Mac (plus a number of other little utilities, I sort of went nuts last night) and one of the supported programs was NetNewsWire so I downloaded it and started trying it out. I subscribed to the feeds for all the sites I keep on my blogroll at the left of my website and a few others I’ve been checking out but I haven’t bothered to put there yet. Then I started checking out their synchronization with NewsGator Online since of course ideally when I red my feeds from different places it would all be syncronized. Then I got a little frustrated with that and then I exported the OPML and then pulled it all into Google Reader.

That’s what I’m using at this very moment. I know there are a number of other options, both in terms of desktop clients and web based solutions. I like desktop clients, but syncing between locations is a little tricker in that case usually, especially if you have Mac, Windows and a Treo all in the mix and want it to work in all three places. So web based may be the way to go.

Anybody got any additional suggestions I should try? Or should I stick with Google Reader for a bit. It seems to do a decent job.

Time from Home

Amy Crew

Amy is the third little dot from the left in the “shell” in this picture.

This week and last week Amy has been at “crew” camp. She enjoyed it. Yesterday was the big race. Amy’s team lost, but they had fun.

Today is the last day of camp. School will start again very soon.


Wednesday when I went into work, one of the elevator whiteboards was clear except for one word:


Given the nature of the people in this building, I can not imagine that I am the only one now thinking that now, a day and a half later, Parker only has five and a half days left in the backstep to prevent a horrible catastrophe of some sort.

Um… OK… maybe I am the only one.

Yesterday’s Baseball

Yesterday a bunch of us from work went to a baseball game. One of those build team feeling sort of things. It was fun. Seattle lost.