This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



DVD: Cheaper by the Dozen 2

This was Amy’s movie pick this time around. She watches a bunch of her Netflix movies by her self, but this time I was “due” to watch one with her again, so we all watched together. I’d watched the original Cheaper by the Dozen movie on DVD sometime way back when… in Florida I think, before I started posting the movies I watch on the blog. That one was cute I guess.

With this one my main thought the whole times were along the lines “Why? Why did they make this?” and “Is it over yet?” interspersed with, “Oh my god, Hillary Duff looks awful, what is wrong with her?”.

Sure, it had a couple cute moments. But they were not all that often and there were more parts that were just stupid. It did have a nice sentimental “Awww…” ending, but everybody knew that going in, right?

And OK, this movie is clearly NOT aimed at me. But still…

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