You know that thing where you have something you need to do… or several somethings you need to do… but you just want to sleep, or at least veg out watching mindless TV? Yeah, that’s me, right now. For those who listened to this week’s podcast, the below is the article on isolationism that I referred to. The isolationist beast stirs in America again
(via The Daily Dish)
I’ve checked in occasionally on Michael Totten’s Middle East Journal for his independent reporting on the middle east. Most recently a few months back when he was reporting on the conflict between Israel and Lebanon. And a while ago he posted some good material from Kurdistan. His entries are relatively long by Internet standards, but they tend to be worth the read. He is now in Baghdad. His reporting from there has started. He is “embedded” so not a complete freelancer of course and what he sees is going to be somewhat controlled. But it is still fascinating. I’m linking to the articles so far below, and will be checking his site for the continuations as they happen. I’ve been meaning to post these for the last few days but just now got to it. Do check it out. Totten is a good story teller and gives flavor you don’t usually get from elsewhere. Also of note, the picture he paints (at least so far) is a bit more positive than what you hear elsewhere. Of course, as mentioned, that is undoubtedly related to the specific places he is. Anecdotes never give a complete picture. Queen guitarist wraps studies for doctorate
(via Slashdot) For those of you who have known me a long time (that means since college), check out who the host of this TV show is. Blast from the past, eh?
There are video clips available in the show archive. (Yeah, I was Googling a few people I haven’t talked to in a long time to see what I would find, I admit doing it, doesn’t everybody? I also found Geoff, but that wasn’t quite as interesting to me.) This kinda scares me. Nimoy to Reprise Spock Role in ‘Trek’ Film
(via Slashdot) I don’t know what it is about my desk at work lately, but it has seemed like it is not the right place for me to be to get things done. I don’t know why. Yesterday I left work a bit early, so that early today I could sit at home in a nice comfortable chair (a Poang… I love those chairs) and popped open my laptop and spent the next few hours (the rest of the evening until bedtime really) being focused and productive in a way I hadn’t been able to manage at my actual desk at work. Having said that, it isn’t just work vs home. Even at work I’ve found I can get more done sometimes grabbing the laptop and finding a comfortable quiet place to sit and then just crunching through stuff. And it isn’t just interruptions. Yesterday was pretty quiet in terms of that, but yet my rate of productivity probably doubled in my chair at home as compared to my chair in my office. I think this pattern has probably always been there to a degree, but I’ve particularly noticed this week. Maybe it is just a “getting into the swing of things” thing after returning from vacation. But I’m thinking maybe the real answer is that I need to put a Poang in my office and use it and the laptop in my lap instead in a docking station on my desk. Yeah, that’s it. In the mean time, maybe I’ll try spending some time sitting on the couches down the hall from my office and working there. :-) |