This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



January 2007

Henrietta Alethia Anderson

Time for another ancestor…

Henrietta Alethia Anderson is my father’s father’s mother’s mother.

Born in 1846, died in 1911. Lived in South Carolina her whole life. She was college educated, including some post-graduate work. She married Christian Eber Smith in 1870 and had eight children, of which my great grandmother was the second. She was a charter member of a local Presbyterian church. She went by the nickname “Nettie”.

And that is about all I know.

I do have the picture though. It is from a book of descendants of James Mason Anderson… Henrietta’s grandfather. My dad sent it to me for my birthday last year. It has a lot of good stuff in covering 7 generations in this part of my ancestry from James Mason Anderson all the way to my dad, including some new info on people I’ve already posted. I’ll get that info added into the wiki eventually. But not today. I got myself a new scanner a few weeks ago though, specifically so I could get some things from this book and a few other paper resources I have put online.

As usual, more info available on my wiki by clicking on her picture.

One KiloPost

This is my 1000th post on this blog. The time between my very first post and this post is 1281.087 days. So I’ve been averaging about 0.781 posts per day, or one post every 1.281 days. Otherwise expressed as one post every 30 hours, 44 minutes and 46 seconds. Or so. I love extra meaningless digits.

For those looking quickly and wondering why my 1000th post has the id “1004” instead of 1000, it is because there were several posts which were accidentally double posted over the years. The second copy was immediately “closed” so it isn’t actually visible, although I have them in the database cause they did sort of happen, but not really. So this is the 1000th real post. Well, strictly speaking the very first post was a default first post by the software, but I left it live, so it counts. :-) But those invisible duplicates don’t. I know I could have decided they did, but they don’t darn it! :-)

Anyway, I roughly try for one post a day, so I’m a little behind that, but not too much behind. So I’m doing OK.

Now, what I post isn’t often the most interesting stuff in the world. Lately even more so than at other times since I started it is just little personal notes that for the most part nobody but me and my immediate circle of friends and family would ever be interested in (and often not them). So there are not really any regular readers that I do not know personally. But that is quite OK. I’ve tried at times writing little bits of commentary on news or tech or whatever, or posting links to fun things I see online… but both take a decent amount of time to do well that I do not have… not to mention there are many hundreds of better places to get that sort of thing. So… I do more the diary sort of thing with the occasional bits about what is going on with my life, things I’m doing, movies I watch, whatever… just random stuff that strikes me and I want to say. And that is fine with me.

And there are now 1000 of such blurbs. Woo. Go me.