OK, Montana and Virginia have not yet officially been called. But the Dem is leading by a decent margin in Montana. And the Dem is leading in Virginia too. It wil be close enough that Allen will be able to request a recount if he wants, but probably enough of a margin so a recount won’t end up making a difference. So, there may be a surprise yet… but as of right now that looks like what will happen.
So, looks like the 49-49-2 split actually happens. Very nice. It would be far more interesting if the two independants were really and truly independant, and were able to force “interesting” arrangements. But even as it is… it will be a fun next two years I think.
I am on the couch sandwiched between a sleeping dog on one side and a sleeping daughter on the other. It isn’t exactly comfortable… but it is nice to have them both here. I think I will have to adjust my position soon though.
I was trying to stay awak at least until they offically call Montana, but last I heard mentioned, it sounds like it could be a few more hours yet. So maybe that won’t happen. Even though I’m on the west coast, it is still pretty late now. Sleep is sounding good…. If I can find a position here where I can get comfortable without disturbing the daughter or the dog…