There were several posts I had wanted to make before leaving town, but time got away from me and I did not get to them. And that despite a slight delay. I was supposed to fly to Seattle Sunday and start Monday, but there was a hold up (on their side) with some paperwork, so my start date was delayed to Wednesday… tomorrow. In just a few minutes I leave for the airport and fly out to Seattle. At the moment I don’t yet know when I’ll get to fly back on a weekend to visit Brandy and Amy. As soon as possible, but it will likely be at least a few weeks. The longest I’ve been away from them since we were together. But that is how things go, and that is what phones, emails and IMs are for. :-)
Anyway, thus begins an exciting new chapter of my life. I don’t know when and how often I’ll be able to post updates on how things are going, for the moment I don’t have a personal computer for the West Coast (although undoubidly I will have one for work.) So we shall see. But I will update when I can.
Wish me luck everyone! This should be fun!