Don’t have time to get into details here, but suffice it to say that between the 401K loan from 2003 that converted to taxible income (including 10% penalty for early withdrawal) when I officially left my employer at the beginning of 2004, and the fact that my current employer filed all of the reimbursements they gave me to cover the cost of moving from PA to Florida as actual income (from which nothing was withheld of course), I am getting absolutely hammered by a large tax bill that I was not properly prepared for. (I anticipated the 401K thing, but not really the other.)
Given that things were still in the “tight phase” from buying the new house anyway, this will really, really, really suck. So far I have just Turbo Taxed it, but I’ll be seeing an actual real live professional within the next week or so to see if there is anything I have missed that can be used to pull the bill down some. Then I’ll figure out just what has to happen to get the bill payed. (Including that payment plan thing.) Also exploring if how my empoyer reported things was an error which can be corrected, or if that is how it was actually supposed to be.
And I haven’t even calculated the PA tax for the 6 months of 2004 I lived there yet. I’ll probably owe a bit more for that too.
Taxes are evil.