The comment spamers have started to get me. They got about a dozen old posts over the last couple days. So I am now requireing registration to post comments. Sorry for the inconvienance!
I’m about to get on a plane, they are boarding Zone 4 and I am Zone 5, so I have to shut down. I haven’t fully tested the required registration thing yet. I will when I get home later tonight.
It turns out it was more than just a dozen. I just hadn’t seen them all because the email queue for notifying me of new comments had been stopped. I restarted it and suddenly got flooded with hundreds of notifications of new comments. Almost all these ads about online poker.
Now, while Chad may like that, I do not.
I am debating now if I should actively go back and delete the offending comments. That is the kind of thing Randy labels as “history revisionism”. But I really want those things gone. Grrr! They are now on over half the posts I ever made on this blog. If I hadn’t noticed at the airport and turned on the “require registration” and had instead noticed once I got home, it would have been on EVERY post. Their robot was going through the whole site systematically. Grrr!
Also, if I am going to require registration to post, I need to make the links for registering and logging in more prominant. I’ll have to think about exactly how I do that.
As I’m going through the notifications of comments in my mailbox, I’m banning the IP addresses responsible and deleting the comments. As I type this, the link in my post here still has some of the spam, but it will be gone in a bit. So look now if you want to see it!