The networks are being SO timid. I understand why given how they screwed up in 2000… but back in 2000 they would have already called Florida for Bush and would be thinking about calling Ohio… and the election… for Bush. The margins are thin, but are there. It is possible they will change, but getting increasingly unlikely by the hour. We shall see.
But come on news networks. I know you want to be conservative, but this is a little too wussy. Go out on a limb a little!
They may never actually call Florida.
not like they didn’t go out on a limb with the war or the other stories of the past 4 years… controlled by the whitehouse??? nah, never.
There are 1-2 million absentee votes in FL that have yet to be counted.
Won’t matter I guess. Tomorrow morning they will find W dead after choking on his own vomit following his private off-the-wagon celebration.
whoa! This just goes on to my reasoning that I often tell people that there are two things that should not be discussed in mixed company, including friends or family members. Those 2 things are politics and religion because everyone has their own opinion and rightfully so, but to try to impose your opinion on someone else to sway them to your viewpoint is never good.
They tell you in bartending school (at least back in the 90’s when I was one) there are three things you should never talk about with customers: politics, religion and sex.