This is the website of Abulsme Noibatno Itramne (also known as Sam Minter). Posts here are rare these days. For current stuff, follow me on Mastodon



November 2004

How Not to Fight a Fire

So we’re sitting at the table eating dinner, and Brandy is finishing up cooking the part of the meal she can eat. (Being a vegetarian she couldn’t eat the chicken rice soup Amy and I were having.) I look over and ask Brandy “Is the oven supposed to have a flickering orange glow?”. Brandy’s response “It’s on Fire!!”.

I run past Brandy to grab the fire extinguisher from where we keep it. Then I stand in front of the overn for a few seconds trying to figure out how to use it. I’ve pulled the pin out, but then before squeezing the handle, I saw that the arrow was on the side instead of on top, so I was trying to twist the nozzle to put the arrow on top. (A completely unneeded and impossible step as it turns out.)

Meanwhile, Brandy has grabbed the baking soda, gets in front of me, and puts out the fire by sprikling the baking soda on it. I procees to get all flustered and upset because I didn’t get to use the fire extinguisher and start pouting and jumping up and down. Then I say, well, the pin is out, so I have to use it, and I aim one brief puff at the wall. Everybody jumps back.

Then there is one little glow from inside the oven. Well, maybe. I’m not sure if I really saw it or not. I say “Hey, it still has a spark!!!” and aim the extinguisher at the oven and blast the rest of it…. um… and that entire side of the kitchen. The fire extinguisher crap billows all over the oven, all over the kitchen, and all the surfaces are covered with it, including the rest of dinner.


Brandy was not amused. And I was still all upset that she had jumped in front of me and put out the fire instead of letting me do it. (Even though she was quicker and had a better way.) And of course by the time I actually used the extinguisher, the fire was actually out. So heated words were exchanged.

Dinner was ruined. The whole kitchen and all of the stuff in it needed to be cleaned. It was really all my fault and I had no excuse. After a few minutes once Brandy was upset I realized of course that I was completely at fault and in the wrong. I apologized extensively, but she won’t let me help clean the kitchen (cause I will do it wrong). And she is all sad… and hungry since I ruined her dinner. Which she had worked on for hours and was really looking forward to.

Oops. Sorry Brandy. :-(

7 comments to How Not to Fight a Fire

  • NM178

    You goof! Did you at least go out and get her dinner?

  • Abulsme

    Was I supposed to do that? I offered to order her food, but she refused. After she threw away the dinner she had cooked and I had ruined I think she had a slice of bread. Maybe two. But I think just one.

  • NM179

    I didn’t have TIME to eat. I had to clean the kitchen thoroughly, the counters and the fronts of all the cabinets, everything on the counters as well as all the dishes that were drying by the stove. It is still not done. I have to re-mop the floor and clean out the oven but I got tired because after an hour or so, that crap, whatever it was sticks. And when I put water on it to wire it out it got all foamy and smelled like ammonia and it made me feel yucky.

    I was mad at myself because I noticed something had spilled when I was putting the bread in the oven and figured it would be okay until the bread was done because I was on a schedule. I was mad at SAM because he got all mad at me because I put out the fire because he was standing there reading the directions on the side of the bottle, and the baking soda is right there and SO much easier to clean up and safer with all the food sitting right there on the stove.

    I am still not happy. I was very proud of myself. I spent over 2 hours making dinner last night, starting with the homemade chicken soup and bread and then I had to throw it all out because it all had a film of white ick on it.

    Makeum me sad.l :-( :-( :-(

  • NM191

    ROTFLMAO!!!!!! This is so typically Sam it is not even funny, well ok it is funny….but not very surprising to me or probably anyone else that has known Sam for longer than 24 hours. Good job on putting the fire out Brandy! You SHOULD feel proud of yourself and I don’t blame you for being mad at Sam. Although if it was me I’d have made him go out and get me my favorite food from the best restaurant in town! Although I feel your pain of not eating, I’ve had a similar problem with my husband ruining my dinner and I refused to eat no matter what he offered to get me.

  • NM192

    Something is not right here with your time and date thingamajig, it is still Tuesday the 2nd of November @ 9:28pm CST.

  • NM201

    I’d have to say that this latest Sam calamity made my entire week! The world is a more amusing place knowing that it’s only a matter of time that there will be more stories like this.

  • Abulsme

    Barb, Nov 2 @ 9:28pm CST is the same as Tue, 2 Nov 2004 21:28:00 -0600 in standatd format (where the -0600) is the offset from Universal Time (UTC or GMT). Add the 6 hour offset back in and you get Wed, 3 Nov 2004 03:28:00 +0000 which is only 5 minutes and 13 seconds off from what the timestamp on your comment said. Those few minutes are probably due to your clock just being off by a few. The server is syncronized to the national standard time frequently, so it is likely pretty close to real time. (Although I keep meaning to check it, I think the sync got turned off a bit ago and I need to turn it back on, so it may have drifted a little bit.)

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