Day 6 of the last random trip is now posted! Enjoy!
2003 Q3 Random Vacation – Day 6
The officer came back to the car and said “Well sirs, I was going to give you all a ticket, but I seem to have lost my pen.”
Marilyn said “I think I have one!” and immediately proceeded to search for a pen in her purse.
The officer rolled his eyes and say “You may not have heard me… I *think* I *forgot* my pen!
For those following along, we’re getting to the home stretch. Current status:
Days @, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: Posted
Days 7, 8: Waiting for comments from Marilyn and Chad
Day 9: Done, waiting to post in order
So anyway, should be all out soon, then I can pick the next spot!